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Volatile Schedules Exacerbate Inequality

New York Times - July 23, 2014, by Carrie Gleason - Across the economy, workers are either employed for too few hours...

[created] | Published by: Christian Science Monitor (syndicated in Business Insider)

Why retailers are moving away from ‘on-call’ shift scheduling

Why retailers are moving away from ‘on-call’ shift scheduling

For more than two decades, workers in the retail and restaurant industries have struggled to balance family life and...

Christian Science Monitor (syndicated in Business Insider) | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Arizona protesters arrested at Flake’s D.C. office in health care rally

WASHINGTON — As calls of “Trumpcare kills” and “health care is a human right” echoed through the halls of Capitol...

Pinal Central | Civic Engagement

The search process for a new president of the New York Fed was seriously shady

The New York Fed search was unusual for the public scrutiny it garnered, thanks in no small part to activists led by...

Business Insider

NYC Agencies Fail to Follow Voter Registration Law

New York Daily News - October 21, 2014, by Erin Durkin - City agencies are failing to do their part to make voter...

Hour by Hour: Women in Today’s Workweek

Nationwide, more than 38 million women work in hourly jobs. Most women, and most Americans, are paid by the hour, yet...

'Freedom city'? Going beyond 'sanctuary,' Austin, Texas, vows to curtail arrests

While Austin is among the country’s first so-called freedom cities, it’s part of a wider movement around...

Los Angeles Times

FED UP ACTIVISTS: 'It has taken Gary Cohn almost 2 weeks to find the backbone to gently criticize Trump'

A group of liberal activists who have pressured the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low are calling on Gary Cohn...

Newark, NJ Passes Earned Sick Days Bill by 5-0


Lawmakers' Vision for the Fed: More Diversity, More Congressional Sway

Democrat and Republican lawmakers on Wednesday took issue with the current structure of regional Federal Reserve Bank...


this just in...


RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

18 hours ago

Tap in y’all - it’s time to celebrate our wins. This year we’re throwing a closing party for @Netroots_Nation and we want you to join us! Saturday July 13th from 6-9pm registered attendees are invited to enjoy fantastic food, music and entertainment to close out #NN24. https://t.co/e0wJBivWDa

3 days ago