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Vermont Workers’ Center at the Fore of Health Care Advocacy

VT Digger - January 12, 2014, by Morgan True - Last week’s pro-universal health care demonstration during Gov. Peter...

Retail workers celebrate scheduling law. Requirements will bring change to national chains.

Lisa Morrison loves her job in the floral department at Safeway on U.S. Highway 20 in Bend, but she said the company’s...

[created] | Published by: The Washington Post

Trump expected to nominate Powell for Fed chair

Trump expected to nominate Powell for Fed chair

Most on Wall Street welcomed the news that Powell is the likely nominee. Investment bank Deutsche Bank put out a note...

Report: Anti-gay Laws Drive Up Poverty Rates for LGBT People

Miami Herald - September 30, 2014, by Steve Rothaus - A report issued Tuesday shows that LGBT Americans face added...

[created] | Published by: New York Daily News

Dozen protesters arrested in Manhattan during May Day rallies

Dozen protesters arrested in Manhattan during May Day rallies

Exuberant rallies, inspirational speeches and more than two dozen arrests for the cause of immigrant workers marked May...

New York Daily News | Civic Engagement

Rivera and Camara Push 'Ambitious' Bill for Noncitizen Voting

Capital NY - June 16, 2014, By Nidhi Prakash - With just four remaining days in the state legislative session, sponsors...

[created] | Published by: Associated Press

Pittsburgh police tightening security for march after Dallas

Pittsburgh police tightening security for march after Dallas

PITTSBURGH (AP) - Pittsburgh police say they're using uniformed and plainclothes officers and "extreme caution" to...

Associated Press
[created] | Published by: TruthOut

Can We Forgo Wells Fargo?

Can We Forgo Wells Fargo?

When disgraced Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf was forced to resign a few weeks ago, it was a victory for economic justice...

Jeff Flake jokes about moment when sexual assault survivors confronted him on elevator

Sen. Jeff Flake cracked a joke Saturday about the viral moment we was confronted by sexual assault survivors on an...

Washington Examiner | Civic Engagement

Today we CAN do something to honor Heather Heyer. We can stand up against the hate that killed her.

We can honor Heather in the same way she stood up for justice and equality.  We can rise up against the hate that took...


this just in...


Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

3 hours ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

2 days ago