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Divest From Prisons, Invest in People-What Justice for Black Lives Really Looks Like

Stahly-Butts, a facilitator of the Cleveland convening and deputy director of racial justice at the Center for Popular...

10/11/2016 | Yes! | Justice Transformation

Maria Gallagher, Ana Maria Archila and the amazing power of everyday people raising their voice

Maria Gallagher, a 23-year-old woman from New York, had never told anyone about the time she was sexually assaulted...

The Philadelphia Inquirer | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: The Real News Network

Why the Federal Reserve Needs To Go Beyond Interest Rate Policy

Why the Federal Reserve Needs To Go Beyond Interest Rate Policy

KIM BROWN, TRNN: Welcome to the Real News Network. I’m Kim Brown in Baltimore. Interests rates will remain unchanged....

Protesters disrupt Senate hearing on health care bill that may be dead

WASHINGTON — The Republican bill to replace Obamacare appears all but dead in the Senate, but the chamber’s Finance...

USA Today | Civic Engagement

CPD's Josie Duffy on Why NY Needs the Scaffold Law

NY1 - August 28, 2014 - CPD's Josie Duffy joins Liz Benjamin on NY1 to discuss why workers need the Scaffold Law.  

So-Called 'Common Sense' Immigration Plan Denounced as 'Mass Deportation Bill'

Following news on Wednesday that a bipartisan group of senators known as the "Common Sense Caucus" reached a deal on an...

Common Dreams
[created] | Published by: Reuters

Loan market shrugs off prison financing protests

Loan market shrugs off prison financing protests

Advocacy groups in New York gathered Wednesday near JP Morgan Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon’s apartment, calling...

[created] | Published by: The Wall Street Journal

Fed Draws on Academia, Goldman for Recent Appointees

Neel Kashkari

Fed Draws on Academia, Goldman for Recent Appointees

When the Federal Reserve was established, Congress called for its policy makers to have “fair representation of the...

Here's Why The Movement For Black Lives' Demands Came At The Perfect Time

Last week, the DNC took over Philadelphia, television sets, and social media platforms around the country. Viewers...

Romper | Civic Engagement

Capital Pressroom - April 24, 2014: Scaffold Law

WCNY - April 24, 2014, by Alyssa Plock - AUDIO CLIP. We discuss the...


this just in...


We were excited and honored to represent at @Netroots_Nation for #NN24 this past week. Everyone showed out this year- on a panel about the deep organizing we need to #HouseEveryOne, at @ppls_coalition's documentary screening for We The People’s Process, and closing celebration. https://t.co/gqAf2Yr7rU

2 hours ago

Black, Latine and working-class communities have been experiencing #Project2025 policy for decades- and they were the first to speak up about it. Join our call about it from wherever you are today: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/jQcgxeyZnC

20 hours ago