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[created] | Published by: Chicago Sun Times

Rent control gains momentum after Chicago voters again give it thumbs up

Rent control gains momentum after Chicago voters again give it thumbs up

The push for rent control is nationwide. Oregon passed the country’s first statewide rent control law this week. A...

03/5/2019 | Chicago Sun Times | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

"People Power Beats Corporate Greed": After Years of Pressure, JPMorgan Agrees to Divest from Private Prisons

Make the Road NY, the Center for Popular Democracy, and New York Communities for Change were among the organizations...

03/5/2019 | Common Dreams | Civic Engagement, Holding Wall Street Accountable

Rent Control The Best Way To Stabilize Housing Costs, Says New Report

The new report “Our Homes Our Future,” by PolicyLink Right to the City Alliance and Center for Popular Democracy, says...

[created] | Published by: New York Nonprofit Media

How rent control promotes community stability

How rent control promotes community stability

A new report examines how rent control promotes community stability. The release of “Our Homes, Our Future” comes as...

03/5/2019 | New York Nonprofit Media | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

Fairer Labor Laws Would Prevent Getting Fired for ‘Not Smiling Enough’

Gomez’s story highlights the precariousness of fast-food jobs. In a new survey of 539 New York City fast-food workers,...

03/4/2019 | Next City
[created] | Published by: Governing

Will Statewide Rent Control Catch On Beyond Oregon?

Will Statewide Rent Control Catch On Beyond Oregon?

Affordable housing -- or lack thereof -- isn't an issue confined to Oregon. While the U.S. median household income has...

[created] | Published by: Caribbean Business

Report names banks that ‘created and profited’ from Puerto Rico debt

Report names banks that ‘created and profited’ from Puerto Rico debt

“The report, titled “Six Billion Reasons to Go After the Banks,” was released Wednesday at a public forum organized by...

[created] | Published by: Metro Puerto Rico

Lanzan campaña para nuevos acuerdos de reestructuración de deuda

Lanzan campaña para nuevos acuerdos de reestructuración de deuda

Por su parte, Julio López Varona, Co-Director de Campañas comunitarias de El Center for Popular Democracy y coordinador...

[created] | Published by: El Nuevo Dia

La diáspora pide aprovechar decisión judicial para acabar con la Junta

La diáspora pide aprovechar decisión judicial para acabar con la Junta

Julio López Varona, director de campañas de Dignidad Comunitaria del Center for Popular Democracy y también miembro de...

Amazon’s NYC breakup over HQ2 may spark more outrage over corporate subsidies nationwide

Together, we will continue pressing our demands that Amazon show up in our communities to listen to community members...

02/26/2019 | CNBC | Civic Engagement


this just in...


We were excited and honored to represent at @Netroots_Nation for #NN24 this past week. Everyone showed out this year- on a panel about the deep organizing we need to #HouseEveryOne, at @ppls_coalition's documentary screening for We The People’s Process, and closing celebration. https://t.co/gqAf2Yr7rU

3 hours ago

Black, Latine and working-class communities have been experiencing #Project2025 policy for decades- and they were the first to speak up about it. Join our call about it from wherever you are today: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/jQcgxeyZnC

22 hours ago