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[created] | Published by: Detroit Metro Times

Rep. Tlaib teams up with Sen. Sanders to combat 'excessive' CEO pay

Rep. Tlaib teams up with Sen. Sanders to combat 'excessive' CEO pay

The Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act is endorsed by the AFL-CIO, Americans for Democratic Action, Campaign for America’s...

11/14/2019 | Detroit Metro Times
[created] | Published by: City Limits

Workers Await Gov's Action to Make Wage-Theft Deadbeats Pay

Workers Await Gov's Action to Make Wage-Theft Deadbeats Pay

While the state Department of Labor doesn’t keep statistics, a 2015 Center for Popular Democracy report estimated that...

11/13/2019 | City Limits
[created] | Published by: Jacobin Magazine

All of a Sudden, Housing Is on the Agenda

All of a Sudden, Housing Is on the Agenda

Sanders’s platform also benefited from the contributions of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), established in 2012.

11/13/2019 | Jacobin Magazine
[created] | Published by: The Nation

This Housing Policy Proposal Is Radically Inclusive

This Housing Policy Proposal Is Radically Inclusive

In conjunction with the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), People’s Action is now working with six progressive...

11/12/2019 | The Nation
[created] | Published by: The New Republic

Ady Barkan Is Running Out of Time to Speak

Ady Barkan Is Running Out of Time to Speak

He nevertheless noted he has an “entire team” of helpers at the Be a Hero PAC, the organization he founded last year to...

11/5/2019 | The New Republic
[created] | Published by: Albuquerque Journal

Breaking: City bonds for homeless shelter, other projects winning by wide margins

Breaking: City bonds for homeless shelter, other projects winning by wide margins

But the Brooklyn, New York-based Center for Popular Democracy and Denver-based US PIRG were among those who provided...

11/5/2019 | Albuquerque Journal
[created] | Published by: POLITICO

Labor’s next big statehouse push: Fair scheduling for shift workers

Labor’s next big statehouse push: Fair scheduling for shift workers

“It’s a lot of the same pattern,” said Rachel Deutsch, who leads the national Fair Workweek campaign for the Center for...

11/1/2019 | POLITICO
[created] | Published by: National Nurse

Video: My hero Ady Barkan and I discuss health care as a human right

Video: My hero Ady Barkan and I discuss health care as a human right

A lawyer, activist, co-founder of the Be a Hero PAC, and organizer for the Center for Popular Democracy, Ady was...

10/31/2019 | National Nurse
[created] | Published by: Dissent Magazine

The Seeds of Rural Progressivism

The Seeds of Rural Progressivism

In parts of rural Indiana, New Hampshire, and Vermont, grassroots organizations—some of which are part of larger...

10/29/2019 | Dissent Magazine

Pasadena Now " Activists Stage Workers Rights Rally in H&M Store at Paseo Colorado in Pasadena

According to Escobar, the fair workweek concept was hatched at the Center for Popular Democracy, which advocates for...

10/28/2019 | Pasadena Now


this just in...


Black, Latine and working-class communities have been experiencing #Project2025 policy for decades- and they were the first to speak up about it. Join our call about it from wherever you are today: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/jQcgxeyZnC

3 hours ago

Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

1 day ago