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[created] | Published by: Inside Philanthropy

Virus-Proofing the Vote: Democracy Funders Respond to COVID-19 — Inside Philanthropy

Virus-Proofing the Vote: Democracy Funders Respond to COVID-19 — Inside Philanthropy

Brian Kettenring, co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy, believes an even larger sum will be...

04/1/2020 | Inside Philanthropy
[created] | Published by: Business Ethics

Economic ‘Opportunity Zones’ Stoke Controversy

Economic ‘Opportunity Zones’ Stoke Controversy

Community advocates like Branden Snyder, executive director of Detroit Action, and Dianne Enriquez, Co-Director of...

04/1/2020 | Business Ethics
[created] | Published by: Bloomberg News

Landlords in U.S. Squeezed Between Missed Rent and Overdue Loans

Landlords in U.S. Squeezed Between Missed Rent and Overdue Loans

On a conference call Tuesday, the Center for Popular Democracy called for eviction freezes and rent and mortgage...

04/1/2020 | Bloomberg News
[created] | Published by: Medium

Local Leaders Respond to COVID-19

Local Leaders Respond to COVID-19

for the next installment of Off-Kilter’s ongoing series of COVID19 conversations… Rebecca sat down (virtually) with...

03/31/2020 | Medium
[created] | Published by: Bloomberg Law News

Philadelphia Worker Scheduling Law Takes Effect During Pandemic

Philadelphia Worker Scheduling Law Takes Effect During Pandemic

While the pandemic creates extra uncertainty for employers and workers alike, worker advocate Rachel Deutsch from the...

03/31/2020 | Bloomberg Law News
[created] | Published by: Baltimore Afro American

Communities United Blocks “Horrific” Bill

Communities United Blocks “Horrific” Bill

Working with similar organizations like Action Now, in Illinois, and the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD).

03/30/2020 | Baltimore Afro American
[created] | Published by: The Real Deal

New York City's Homeless Brace for Coronavirus Pandemic

New York City's Homeless Brace for Coronavirus Pandemic

Management Agency could provide a fast solution for the homeless by issuing vouchers for hotels or building emergency...

03/30/2020 | The Real Deal
[created] | Published by: Common Dreams

As April 1 Nears and Coronavirus Crisis Continues, Demand to #CancelRent Swells

As April 1 Nears and Coronavirus Crisis Continues, Demand to #CancelRent Swells

— Ady Barkan (@AdyBarkan) March 22, 2020 Cancel rent. https://t.co/Cm1rVZ3NS9 —...

03/29/2020 | Common Dreams

The Stimulus Package Hurts Abortion Providers, Immigrants & Anyone With Student Debt — But It Helps Corporations

"We are disappointed that corporations get $500 billion, while immigrants get cut out of health provisions or...

03/27/2020 | Refinery29

For Organizer Ady Barkan, COVID-19 is Yet Another Reason to Pass Medicare for All

He was working at the Center for Popular Democracy, she had secured a job as an English professor at University of...

03/26/2020 | Time Magazine


this just in...


Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

1 day ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

3 days ago