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Here's Why The Movement For Black Lives' Demands Came At The Perfect Time

Last week, the DNC took over Philadelphia, television sets, and social media platforms around the country. Viewers...

Romper | Civic Engagement

Puerto Rico was just hit by an island-wide power outage — here are the best charities to donate to for victims of Hurricane Maria

The Center for Popular Democracy – located in Brooklyn, New York – has launched the Maria Fund, which is focusing on...

Business Insider | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Brooklyn News Service

NY Immigrant ID Program Declared Success

Brooklyn News Service

NY Immigrant ID Program Declared Success

Immigrant activists on Thursday trumpeted the success of the city’s immigrant ID program and encouraged using it as a...

Brooklyn News Service
[created] | Published by: Times Union

Letter: No point putting faith in GOP lawmakers

Letter: No point putting faith in GOP lawmakers

Anyone who buys the GOP story that they are going to give us better health care is a sucker. We will get hosed by the...

Times Union | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: CityLab

The Fight for Paid Sick Leave Moves South

The Fight for Paid Sick Leave Moves South

It’s not surprising that the same sort of coalition of elected officials advancing the fight against SB4 have turned to...


New Report: Anti-Scaffold Law Research is Junk

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 17, 2014 Contact: TJ Helmstetter, Center for Popular Democracy (973...

In Minneapolis, a Strong ‘Fair Scheduling’ Law for Workers Runs Into a Corporate Roadblock

Less than a year after San Francisco passed a first-of-its-kind fair scheduling ordinance for retail employers,...

Expandiendo el Electorado en Nueva York

El Diario - December 14, 2014, by Steve Carbo - Aunque las oportunidades para avanzar reformas progresistas se han...

Regional Feds' head-hunting under scrutiny over insider bias, delays

Efforts to fill top positions at some U.S. Federal Reserve regional branches are casting a spotlight on a decades-old...

"Give Them Hell": Exposing the Corporate Backers of Anti-Immigrant Hate

Since election night 2016, the streets of the US have rung with resistance. People all over the country have woken up...

Truth-Out | Civic Engagement


this just in...


46 days till the election means we're... doing a candidate vibe check making plans for our ride to the polls double checking our registration and updating addresses requesting absentee ballots Plan your ballot at our ballotready link here: https://t.co/9on0fjRktA https://t.co/RIrvxBOPpl

1 day ago

Hoy estamos revisando nuestros group chats. Durante el último mes, un número récord de personas se ha registrado para votar y nos queremos asegurar de que nuestra gente tenga lo que necesitan para ir a votar! ¡Haz clic en el enlace para ir a BallotReady! https://t.co/V7magPBYOg https://t.co/jZFp84yDw4

3 days ago