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Meet The ‘Rapists’ Who Built Donald Trump’s Empire

As a real estate tycoon, Donald Trump built up and has given his name to ...

Weak Charter School Oversight Leads to Fraud and Mismanagement

DailyKos - May 6, 2014, by Laura Clawson - Charter schools benefit from a massive double standard, taking public money...

‘Conservatives Cannot Sit Back’: Coalition Wants to Meet With Fed Chair Janet Yellen

The Daily Signal - December 17, 2014, by  Kate Scanlon - Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen met with...

[created] | Published by: Wall Street Journal

Former Fed Adviser, Activists Lay Out a Plan for Change at the Fed

Former Fed Adviser, Activists Lay Out a Plan for Change at the Fed

A former Federal Reserve adviser is joining with an activist group to argue for overhauls at the central bank that they...

High-ranking Fed official resigns, reveals role in leaked confidential information

Jeffrey Lacker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, resigned from his post effective Tuesday, after...

Gillibrand Has Received Big Campaign Donations from Puerto Rico Bondholders

“Politicians that receive money from hedge fund managers like Seth Klarman and Dan Loeb should understand that their...

Sludge | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: El Diario

Piden expandir ID Municipal a otras ciudades

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Piden expandir ID Municipal a otras ciudades

 ciudad de Nueva York quiere que otras urbes de la nación copien el ID Municipal que ha sido un éxito en la Gran...

El Diario

Activist: U.S. Response to Puerto Rico “Lifts the Veil of Colonialism” & 119 Years of Exploitation

The U.S. military has sent more than 4,000 soldiers to Puerto Rico as the island continues to grapple with a dire...

Democracy Now! | Civic Engagement

Economic Recovery? Not for Ferguson or Black America

MSNBC - March 13, 2015, by Jane Timm - “America is coming back,” President Obama declared late last month, touting...

Pilot program to create network of legal counsel for NY immigrants

NY1 News - July 20, 2013 - A pilot program is helping make sure New York immigrants get fair legal representation. The...


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#HipHop4Peace is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! Watch the livestream: https://t.co/aEKnKlZg0I https://t.co/sEzLIfvYDb

17 hours ago

WE DID IT!! The Center For Popular Democracy and network members like @CUFFH and @SPACEsinAction fought for years to lower medication costs on asthma inhalers, insulin and other key medications- and we won! https://t.co/d40rpIVN0D

2 days ago