New Liberate MKE campaign community groups vow to take on Milwaukee's city budget
New Liberate MKE campaign community groups vow to take on Milwaukee's city budget
The Liberate MKE campaign is a collaboration between 25 partners, including the ACLU of Wisconsin, BLOC, Center for...
The Liberate MKE campaign is a collaboration between 25 partners, including the ACLU of Wisconsin, BLOC, Center for Popular Democracy, Citizen Action Wisconsin, Leaders Igniting Transformation, MICAH, Urban Underground, the Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, Wisconsin Voices and the YWCA of Southeast Wisconsin.
Read the full article here.
New York Expanded Rent Control. Will Other Cities Follow Suit?
New York Expanded Rent Control. Will Other Cities Follow Suit?
“It was the alliance of tenants and homeless New Yorkers in New York City and smaller cities around the state that made...
“It was the alliance of tenants and homeless New Yorkers in New York City and smaller cities around the state that made the new laws possible, says Sarah Treuhaft, managing director at PolicyLink. Earlier this year, PolicyLink released a report in conjunction with the Right to the City Alliance and the Center for Popular Democracy advocating for the expansion of rent control nationwide.
Read the full story here.
New York Could Become First State To Be Completely Done With Private Prisons
New York Could Become First State To Be Completely Done With Private Prisons
According to a groundbreaking April 2019 data brief by #FamiliesBelongTogether coalition members In the Public Interest...
According to a groundbreaking April 2019 data brief by #FamiliesBelongTogether coalition members In the Public Interest and The Center for Popular Democracy, GEO Group has a $900 million revolving line of credit with a syndicate of six banks (BNP Paribas, Bank of America, Barclays, JPMorgan Chase, SunTrust, and Wells Fargo), has borrowed $490.8 million under the line of credit, owed six banks a total of $786 million through its term loan, and issued four bonds totaling $1.150 billion.
Read the full article here.
Universal Rent Control Now
The Center for Popular Democracy, the Right to the City Alliance, and PolicyLink recently released a report, “Our Homes...
The Center for Popular Democracy, the Right to the City Alliance, and PolicyLink recently released a report, “Our Homes, Our Future,” to highlight the critical importance of rent control. Our networks actively support tenant organizing across the country. In this report and through our affiliates’ organizing, we demand that policymakers put human needs first.
Read the full article here.
United Shades of America
Last year, L.I.T. and the Center For Popular Democracy released a report that showed Milwaukee’s black high school...
Last year, L.I.T. and the Center For Popular Democracy released a report that showed Milwaukee’s black high school students made up 53% of the student body but accounted for 80% of the over 10,000 suspensions during the 2015-2016 school year. That's double the national rate. And not only that, more than 100 black students were expelled for things white students were just suspended over...
Watch the video here.
Activists Take On Medicare For All, The Census And Abortion In Day Of Action
Activists Take On Medicare For All, The Census And Abortion In Day Of Action
A few dozen protesters participated in a series of events, organized by the advocacy group Center for Popular Democracy...
A few dozen protesters participated in a series of events, organized by the advocacy group Center for Popular Democracy, that were based around a common theme: the belief that the decisions of those currently in power are detrimental to the lives of the people, who must come together to fight back.
Read the full article here.
Protesters Rally, Disrupt Opening Session at AMA Meeting
Protesters Rally, Disrupt Opening Session at AMA Meeting
Jennifer Epps-Addison, co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy, a grassroots lobbying organization,...
Jennifer Epps-Addison, co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy, a grassroots lobbying organization, led the group in chants of "Everybody In, Nobody Out!" She explained that her husband was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a few years ago, and even though she has good health insurance, it costs the family $800 per month in premiums, and still more in other out-of-pocket costs. "This current healthcare system not only doesn't work for low-income and no-income people, but it doesn't work for the middle class families who are struggling to get by either," she said. "My family is one job transition away from risking my husband's life. That ain't right."
Read the full article here.
Durham City Council says no to more police
“Kumar Rao of the Center for Popular Democracy was one of the authors of the report. “As a nation we’re spending over $...
“Kumar Rao of the Center for Popular Democracy was one of the authors of the report. “As a nation we’re spending over $100 billion a year on policing and the vast bulk at that is actually at the local level,” he told the Daily Appeal. “In cities, the single largest allocation of resources is going to the police department. … No place has unlimited resources and there are tradeoffs involved in that kind of expenditure on policing. It means less investment in the things that keep communities safe.”
Read the full article here.
Linea Abierta: Immigration Edition
Linea Abierta: Immigration Edition
Advocates greet the House passage of the Dream and Promise Act (HR 6) calling it a historic legislation and vowing to...
Advocates greet the House passage of the Dream and Promise Act (HR 6) calling it a historic legislation and vowing to take now their fight to the Senate. On other news, according to new figures, the number of people who are becoming citizens is rising again while activists continue pressing USCIS to deal with the huge backlog of applications. On other story: pastors and churches who help asylum seekers in Arizona are being threatened and harassed by extreme anti-immigration groups and they are not going to take it anymore. These and other stories are discussed in this weekly edition.
Guests: Ana Maria Archila, Co-Executive Director, Center for Popular Democracy, New York, NY; Susan Collins, Director of Policy and Advocacy, National Partnership for New Americans, Washington, DC; Others TBA.
Tune into the program on Tuesday, June 11.
Single Payer Advocates to Protest AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago
Single Payer Advocates to Protest AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago
The protests against the AMA are being organized by Physicians for a National Health Program, Students for a National...
The protests against the AMA are being organized by Physicians for a National Health Program, Students for a National Health Program, National Nurses United, Public Citizen, The Center for Popular Democracy, labor unions, teachers, activists.
Read the full article here.
2 months ago
2 months ago