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IDNYC: Fuente de Dignidad para Miles

El Diario - January 30, 2015, by Ana Maria Archila - Se puede palpar la emoción este mes en las comunidades inmigrantes...

Extraordinary organizing effort to assist undocumented immigrants impacted by the #FlintWaterCrisis needs YOUR help

Art Reyes III is Director of Training and Leadership Development at Center for Popular Democracy. He along with the...

The White House announced that it would nominate Randy Quarles to a vacant seat on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors

Quarles would take the lead on rolling back any banking regulation under the Trump administration as vice chairman for...

Thomas DiNapoli urged to stop investments that hurt P.R.

Activist groups are asking state Controller Thomas DiNapoli to halt investments in two private equity firms they blame...

Fed Up Coalition comes to Jackson to join the conversation on Economic Policy

People in green shirts stating “Let Our Wages Grow” and “Who’s Recovery?” are all over the main lobby and outdoor areas...


this just in...


#HipHop4Peace is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! Watch the livestream: https://t.co/aEKnKlZg0I https://t.co/sEzLIfvYDb

18 hours ago

WE DID IT!! The Center For Popular Democracy and network members like @CUFFH and @SPACEsinAction fought for years to lower medication costs on asthma inhalers, insulin and other key medications- and we won! https://t.co/d40rpIVN0D

2 days ago