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[created] | Published by: Times Union

Letter: Congress must pass law for universal health care

Letter: Congress must pass law for universal health care

Here are the health care issues on which we need government to act......

Times Union | Civic Engagement

One More Day of Protests Planned in St. Louis Area

New York Times - October 13, 2014, by Minica Davey and Alan Blinder - After demonstrations that varied from...

Fed’s Mester Calls Case for Gradual Rate Increases ‘Compelling’

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester said there’s a “compelling” case for gradually raising...

Seeking Better Legal Help for Immigrants

New York Times - January 28, 2013, by Kirk Semple - In the next several days, the deans of the nation’s top law schools...

The Retail Industry is Marginalizing Women and People of Color. This Has to Change.

Source: In These Times...

In These Times | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Meet the Two Women Who May Have Gotten Through to Senator Jeff Flake

In a video seen and heard round the Internet on Friday morning, two women cornered Republican Senator and judiciary...

Vanity Fair | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Christian Science Monitor

Would independent prosecutors make police shooting investigations fairer?

Would independent prosecutors make police shooting investigations fairer?

Critics say the close connections between prosecutors and local police leads to unjust decisions not to prosecute...

Christian Science Monitor

Slew Of Organizations Denounce Civil Right Violations of Puerto Ricans on May Day and Demand Gov. Roselló To Stop Austerity Measures

05.03.2018 New York, NY - In response to the violent reaction of the Puerto Rico Police Department to a peaceful...

Calling all mayors: This is what police reform should look like

The coverage of police brutality over the last year, both in the mass media and through civilian video footage, has...

[created] | Published by: Refinery29

Here's How The #AbolishICE Movement Really Got Started

Here's How The #AbolishICE Movement Really Got Started

"The demand to abolish ICE has existed almost since the beginning of ICE," Ana Maria Archila, co-executive director of...



this just in...


#HipHop4Peace is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! Watch the livestream: https://t.co/aEKnKlZg0I https://t.co/sEzLIfvYDb

19 hours ago

WE DID IT!! The Center For Popular Democracy and network members like @CUFFH and @SPACEsinAction fought for years to lower medication costs on asthma inhalers, insulin and other key medications- and we won! https://t.co/d40rpIVN0D

2 days ago