New York’s Ejection of Amazon Is the Start of a Movement
New York’s Ejection of Amazon Is the Start of a Movement
In a letter released Wednesday by the advocacy organization Local Progress, representatives from New York City, Chicago, Columbus, Austin, Dallas, Indiana, Somerville, D.C., Philadelphia, and...
In a letter released Wednesday by the advocacy organization Local Progress, representatives from New York City, Chicago, Columbus, Austin, Dallas, Indiana, Somerville, D.C., Philadelphia, and Dallas city councils—including some who signed the original non-aggression pact—stated that they’d “do all we can to prevent our cities from participating in Amazon’s rigged game.
Read the full article here.
Report: Jobs from Amazon's New York expansion likely won't come to Seattle
Report: Jobs from Amazon's New York expansion likely won't come to Seattle
"In fact, they funded the opposition," Mosqueda said during a briefing hosted by Local Progress. "And what we saw was not just an attack on policy, but on the very existence on public policy...
"In fact, they funded the opposition," Mosqueda said during a briefing hosted by Local Progress. "And what we saw was not just an attack on policy, but on the very existence on public policy making and the role we have to play."
Read the full article here.
Latinopia Event 2015 Puerto Rico Debt Crisis
The restructuring deal has met with opposition from both creditors and large segments of the Puerto Rican community. Some of the bond holders are rumored to be considering an appeal of the...
The restructuring deal has met with opposition from both creditors and large segments of the Puerto Rican community. Some of the bond holders are rumored to be considering an appeal of the restructuring plan. Meanwhile, many Puerto Rican civic and oversight groups such as the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), the Citizen Front for the Debt Audit (Comisión Ciudadana Para la Auditoría Integral del Crédito Público), and Puerto Rico’s Citizens for Debt Audit (Frente Ciudadano por la Auditoría de la Deuda) all denounce the approval of the restructuring plan as an easy way to appease bondholders while ignoring the long term development needs of the Puerto Rican economy.
Read the full article here.
Open Letter to Members of Congress on DHS Funding Deal
Open Letter to Members of Congress
Re: Vote NO on the DHS funding bill
Dear Members of Congress,
We, the undersigned membership-based organizations, write to ask you to vote against the DHS funding bill negotiated under duress by conference committee this week. The bill, which contains over $1.3 billion for a racist border wall, an 12% increase in the number of detention beds to incarcerate immigrants, and an increase in ICE agents and custom officers, is an offense to our communities and a concession to politics of fear and manipulation. We urge you to vote NO on this bill and to not only stand strong against the wall, but to demand funding cuts to ICE and CBP, restrictions on transfer and reprogramming authorities to prevent those agencies from raiding other accounts, and a commitment from the executive branch to not use emergency powers to undermine Congress. We reject any DHS funding bill that does not contain these provisions, and until such a deal can be reached, Congress should pass a clean continuing resolution without any additional detention or enforcement funding. President Trump cannot be allowed to hold our communities hostage so that he can waste more taxpayer money to worsen a problem he created.
We have been fighting for more than a decade to reverse the laws criminalizing our people, and the brutal systems created to enforce those laws, which have led us to the current era of mass incarceration and mass deportation. We ask that you, our elected representatives, stand in solidarity with us by insisting that the much needed reforms to our immigration system start with the rollback of draconian enforcement policies which are causing the separation of thousands of families every year. Furthermore, we ask you to ensure that all changes to our immigration system happen through a fair, transparent and responsible legislative process, not through emergency negotiations to appease a tyrant.
We need a permanent solution that looks past the question of “how many detention beds” or “how many ICE officers” to the real problems that are facing our communities: the need for jobs, education, access to health care, public transportation and a living wage. The bill that we need is one that:
Creates a straightforward path to citizenship for the millions of loved ones living here without documentation.
Welcomes the refugees and asylum seekers asking for protection at our doorstep, and reunites the families that have already been separated.
Create a pathway to permanent residency for all 13 countries that had protections at the beginning of this administration, and expands the program to include any country where U.S. foreign policy is in part responsible for creating the conditions that drive people to seek refuge here.
Protects asylum seekers and provides resources to enable them to obtain a fair adjudication of their claims.
Ends the criminalization of migration by repealing the federal statutes that are allowing the Trump administration to prosecute and incarcerate people for crossing the border.
Dramatically decreases funding for enforcement, and ends the practice of immigration detention.
Moves the billions of dollars that have been spent every year to surveil, jail and deport our communities into programs that will begin to make restitution, and allow the people who live here to heal and thrive again.
We urge you to fight for this agenda. In addition to rejecting more funding for enforcement, in the immediate future this means:
Holding oversight hearings to hold DHS accountable for every penny spent persecuting our communities.
Using the subpoena power to question ICE and CBP leadership, as well as the DOJ and other senior administration officials, about the motivation for, conduct of, and impact of, their immigration enforcement practices.
Conducting investigations into the human and civil rights violations at the border, in detention centers, and in the daily operations of local ICE offices.
Requesting similar investigations by the Office of the Inspector General and the Government Accountability Office.
We need elected representatives who have the courage to stand with us not just because we have a common enemy, but because we have a common vision of the future. We need elected representatives who will not throw our communities under the bus because it is politically expedient. Prove to us that you will fight for a country in which all of us have the freedom to thrive by voting NO on the DHS funding bill.
Sunflower Community Action National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) Korean Resource Center UndocuBlack Network NAKASEC VA United for a New Economy (UNE) New York Communities For Change Southeast Asia Resource Action Center Make the Road NY United We Dream Center for Popular Democracy Make the Road CT HANA Center Make the Road PA Make the Road NV Make the Road NJ Local Progress Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH)
Opositores al acuerdo de COFINA: "Esto significa 40 años más de impuestos"
Opositores al acuerdo de COFINA: "Esto significa 40 años más de impuestos"
Mientras, Julio López Varona, Centro para la Democracia Popular (CPD), indicó que la reestructuración del 24% de la deuda aprobada por la jueza Swain significa pagos garantizados a los bonistas...
Mientras, Julio López Varona, Centro para la Democracia Popular (CPD), indicó que la reestructuración del 24% de la deuda aprobada por la jueza Swain significa pagos garantizados a los bonistas sin ningún beneficio para la gente de Puerto Rico. "Por el contrario, los puertorriqueños tendrán que pagar la cuenta en forma de impuestos (IVU) más altos durante los próximos 40 años y más austeridad. Y esto es solo una señal de lo que está por venir. Este es un precedente peligroso que los bonistas a través de la Junta de Control Fiscal intentarán seguir usando al reestructurar el resto de la deuda en las próximas semanas. Nos negamos a quedarnos de brazos cruzados y ver cómo Wall Street destruye a Puerto Rico. Esperen más protestas y movilización pública para resistir este abuso."
Lea el artículo completo aquí.
Groups Opposed to PR Debt Deal Say It Will Only Lead to More Taxes and Austerity
Groups Opposed to PR Debt Deal Say It Will Only Lead to More Taxes and Austerity
Groups opposed to the COFINA adjustment plan on the island and the diaspora, including the Center for Popular Democracy, Hedge Clippers, the Puerto Rican the Citizen Front for the Debt Audit, ...
Groups opposed to the COFINA adjustment plan on the island and the diaspora, including the Center for Popular Democracy, Hedge Clippers, the Puerto Rican the Citizen Front for the Debt Audit, VAMOS, and a professor of constitutional law in San Juan (a member of the Citizen’s Commission to Audit the Debt) released the following statement following its approval by federal judge Laura Taylor Swain.
Read the full article here.
Oakland Teachers Are on the Verge of a Strike
A 2015 report by the Center for Popular Democracy estimated that federal, state, and local governments could lose more than $1.4 billion to charter school fraud and waste. There are also plenty of...
A 2015 report by the Center for Popular Democracy estimated that federal, state, and local governments could lose more than $1.4 billion to charter school fraud and waste. There are also plenty of legal opportunities for profit: thirty-three states allow for-profit companies to manage charter schools, and four states allow charters themselves to be for-profit.
Read the full article here.
National liberal groups back ‘fusion voting’ in New York
National liberal groups back ‘fusion voting’ in New York
A letter provided to the Times Union was signed by leaders of national liberal groups Indivisible and Moveon, women's rights advocates from the groups NARAL and UltraViolet, large community...
A letter provided to the Times Union was signed by leaders of national liberal groups Indivisible and Moveon, women's rights advocates from the groups NARAL and UltraViolet, large community organizing networks, including CPD Action and People's Action, and Our Revolution, the organization that grew out of Sen. Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign for president, among a dozen others.
Read the full article here.
More Diverse Green Groups Push for More Ambitious Climate Policy
More Diverse Green Groups Push for More Ambitious Climate Policy
By contrast, the groups leading the charge on a Green New Deal, such as the Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats, include many young, black and brown Americans, as do many of the organizations...
By contrast, the groups leading the charge on a Green New Deal, such as the Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats, include many young, black and brown Americans, as do many of the organizations who have joined the fight, including the Center for Popular Democracy, Presente, and Dream Corps. And it’s not just advocates. The policy wonks hammering out the details of the proposal are similarly diverse, as are the House members who supported a select committee on a Green New Deal.
Read the full article here.
"Now Is the Time to Be Bold and Unapologetic': Progressives Building 'Unprecedented Political Coalition Around Green New Deal
"Now Is the Time to Be Bold and Unapologetic': Progressives Building 'Unprecedented Political Coalition Around Green New Deal
That attention to "frontline and vulnerable communities" has rallied backers such as Jennifer Epps-Addison, president and co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy Network.
...That attention to "frontline and vulnerable communities" has rallied backers such as Jennifer Epps-Addison, president and co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy Network.
Read the full article here.
2 months ago
2 months ago