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Seattle’s Lessons for Bernie Sanders Activists After the Elections

According to Licata, progressives must develop the ability to “see the small things that generate the big things,” linking voter concerns about global threats like climate change to concrete and...

In These Times

The Fed’s about to try something that almost always has ended in recession

The Federal Reserve‘s looming attempt to shrink its mammoth portfolio of bonds comes with an ugly track record: Virtually every time the central bank has tried it in the past, recessions have...

NBR | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: El Diario

NY furioso con plan tributario aprobado por el Senado

NY furioso con plan tributario aprobado por el Senado

Las principales autoridades y activistas de Nueva York rechazaron este sábado el plan tributario aprobado en la madrugada por el Senado federal que deberá ser armonizado con el de la Cámara Baja...

El Diario | Civic Engagement

New Report Alleges Charter School Fraud Could Be Costing IL Taxpayers $27 Million

Education Votes - February 2, 2015, by Brian Washington - Proven or suspected fraud in Illinois’ charter school industry is suspected of carrying a price tag for taxpayers as high as $27.7 million...

Democrats are back in the fight for the Arizona Eighth Congressional District: All Bets are Off.

Trump won by over 20 points, the Democrat leads in fundraising as well, aided in part by Ady Barkan, a wealthy Democratic activist with the Center for Popular Democracy who was recently diagnosed...

Blog for Arizona | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: sfgate.com

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Jeff Flake loves decorum, but it doesn't look like it was decorous behavior that moved him to reconsider a vote that could change the country's future. Was it two women in an elevator, yelling at...

sfgate.com | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: The Fiscal Times

The Fed’s Big Mistake: Rate Hikes Hurt US Workers

The Fed’s Big Mistake: Rate Hikes Hurt US Workers

Protesters rallied in Washington, New York City and Philadelphia yesterday against an imminent government action that would damage the financial prospects of ordinary workers. And no, it had...

The Fiscal Times | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

At Urban Outfitters, On Call Needs An Off Switch

URBAN Outfitters, you're breaking my heart.

I'd loved you since I discovered your lone West Philly shop when I was in college. You'd just changed your name from the...

Restoring a Fair Workweek
[created] | Published by: Times Union

Letter: Congress must pass law for universal health care

Letter: Congress must pass law for universal health care

Here are the health care issues on which we need government to act...

Read the...

Times Union | Civic Engagement

Report on Paladino's Ties to Charter Schools

The Buffalo News - October 22, 2014, by Sandra Tan - As noted in today's story,...


this just in...


RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

1 day ago

Tap in y’all - it’s time to celebrate our wins. This year we’re throwing a closing party for @Netroots_Nation and we want you to join us! Saturday July 13th from 6-9pm registered attendees are invited to enjoy fantastic food, music and entertainment to close out #NN24. https://t.co/e0wJBivWDa

3 days ago