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[created] | Published by: The Huffington Post

Protesters Swarm The Capitol Days After Obamacare Repeal Falls Again

Protesters Swarm The Capitol Days After Obamacare Repeal Falls Again

Although Obamacare repeal appears to be down for the count, Democratic leaders encouraged activists to keep up the pressure at a rally outside the Capitol on Wednesday.

And judging by the...

The Huffington Post | Civic Engagement

How Bad Are Waste and Fraud at Charter Schools? This Bad.

NEA Today - May 14, 2014, by Tim Walker - Lax oversight and limited accountability has led to a shocking misuse of taxpayer funds by charter schools nationwide, according to...

At Republican Retreat, Protest Power Was On Display As Progressives Eye Midterm Elections

The protesters’ action at the Republican retreat was organized by the Center for Popular Democracy Action, in coordination with local affiliates.


The Intercept | Civic Engagement

How to Build the Movement for Progressive Power, the Urban Way

As the gears of federal government have ground to a halt, a new energy has been rocking the foundations of our urban centers. From Atlanta to Seattle and points in between, cities have begun...

Fed Officials Push Back Against Calls to Overhaul Central Bank’s Structure

Federal Reserve bank presidents are pushing back against a rising chorus of voices saying the central bank’s century-old structure needs to be overhauled to reduce bankers’ influence over its...

Wall Street Journal | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: Common Dreams

How Can We Combat Wage Theft And Protect Immigrant Workers?

How Can We Combat Wage Theft And Protect Immigrant Workers?

Every year, millions of workers suffer from wage theft when employers or companies do not pay them what they are owed.


Common Dreams | Combating Wage Theft

ABQ call center workers get more family-friendly workplace rules

More than workers at Albuquerque’s T-Mobile call center began working under new workplace rules this week.  The company has been under increasing pressure to modify work rules to give workers...

Illinois Legislature Passes Landmark Automatic Voter Registration System


CHICAGO – Last night, the Illinois legislature passed Automatic Voter...

Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy

Thousands Today Say #WeRise To Reclaim Government For The People

Campaign for America's Future - March 11, 2015, by Isaiah J. Poole - At the office of Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, more than 2,500 demonstrators, most wearing white “We Rise” T-shirts, staged a ...

Why are former Toys R Us workers planning to protest CalSTRS’ investments of private equity?

Supporting the workers are Rise Up Retail, the Center for Popular Democracy and the Organization United for Respect.


Sacramento Bee | Restoring a Fair Workweek


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Feel that? It’s the power of the people taking center stage. Popular Democracy is 50 grassroots orgs across 34 states + D.C. fighting to flip the script on the traditional politics that fails us. We’re the movement for a multiracial democracy where EVERYONE thrives—no exceptions. https://t.co/j9nxUJ1qdN

2 days ago

46 days till the election means we're... doing a candidate vibe check making plans for our ride to the polls double checking our registration and updating addresses requesting absentee ballots Plan your ballot at our ballotready link here: https://t.co/9on0fjRktA https://t.co/RIrvxBOPpl

9 days ago