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NYC Council Progressive Caucus Backs Keith Ellison for DNC Chair

The City Council’s dominant Progressive Caucus—led by Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito—announced their endorsement today of Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison for chairman of the Democratic National...

The Observer

The incredible story of how “civil rights plus full employment equals freedom"

Washington, D.C.'s think tanks produce a tsunami of studies, reports and manifestos. Most of it has a readership that, outside of wonks and reporters, could be counted on the fingers of one hand...

The Intercept | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Activists ‘Fed Up’ With Rate Rise Talk Offer Plosser a City Tour

Bloomberg News - November 15, 2014, by Jeff Kearns & Christopher Condon -Labor and community organizers meeting with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen challenged officials who are ready to...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

As the federal government fails the people of Puerto Rico, local governments and states must step up

Given the likelihood that even more Puerto Ricans will resettle on the mainland the Center for Popular Democracy and Local Progress have published a policy guide, the first of its kind, offering a...

The Hill | Civic Engagement

It’s Not Just Low Pay Stressing Out Part-Time Workers

Bill Moyers - July 24, 2014, by Neha Tara Mehta - Besides struggling to make ends meet because of low wages, millions of part-time workers in America also face uncertainty over when they will be...

Restoring a Fair Workweek

Nationwide protests against Trump’s family separation policy planned for June 30

The Women’s March is also organizing a nonviolent civil disobedience in partnership with Center for Popular Democracy and CASA in Action event for Thursday, June 28, in Washington, DC. The...

[created] | Published by: The Hill

Dems to Fed: Increase your diversity

Dems to Fed: Increase your diversity

Democrats in Congress are pushing the Federal Reserve to emphasize diversity when filling top policymaking roles.

In a new letter sent to Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen, the lawmakers noted...

The Hill | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: The Boston Review

What Does Black Lives Matter Want?

What Does Black Lives Matter Want?

On August 1 the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), a coalition of over sixty organizations, rolled out “A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice,” an ambitious...

The Boston Review

Jersey City's smart push for paid sick days: Editorial

Star-Ledger - September 5, 2013 - When a stomach bug flattens your family, should it cost a day’s pay? Does flu season put you in fear of losing your job? For more than 1.2 million New Jersey...

Top Federal Reserve pick is controversial for Wells Fargo oversight and lack of diversity

Shawn Sebastian, field director of Fed Up, a campaign by labor, community and liberal activist groups that wants the Fed to enact pro-worker policies, said the choice of Williams damaged the Fed’s...

Los Angeles Times | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up


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Feel that? It’s the power of the people taking center stage. Popular Democracy is 50 grassroots orgs across 34 states + D.C. fighting to flip the script on the traditional politics that fails us. We’re the movement for a multiracial democracy where EVERYONE thrives—no exceptions. https://t.co/j9nxUJ1qdN

10 hours ago

46 days till the election means we're... doing a candidate vibe check making plans for our ride to the polls double checking our registration and updating addresses requesting absentee ballots Plan your ballot at our ballotready link here: https://t.co/9on0fjRktA https://t.co/RIrvxBOPpl

7 days ago