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The resistance is making one last all-out push to kill the GOP health bill

More than 300 health care activists, disability rights advocates, and organizers gathered on second floor of the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Monday morning to oppose Senate Republicans’...

Vox | Civic Engagement

One More Day of Protests Planned in St. Louis Area

New York Times - October 13, 2014, by Minica Davey and Alan Blinder - After demonstrations that varied from choreographed marches to tense late-night encounters with law enforcement agents,...

New York City Council Passes Bill Forcing Employers to Provide Paid Sick Leave

The New American - May 9th, 2013 - On Wednesday the New York City Council...

[created] | Published by: Center for Popular Democracy

High Road Workweek Partnership Invites Employers to Adopt a Fair Workweek

High Road Workweek Partnership Invites Employers to Adopt a Fair Workweek

As more retailers declare nationwide reforms to their scheduling practices – from ending on-call scheduling to providing greater advance notice – there is increased industry interest in...

Center for Popular Democracy | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Women Have a Voice: Watch 2 Protestors Confront Senator Jeff Flake to Call for an FBI Investigation

Before Senator Jeff Flake shocked the world by requesting an FBI investigation into sexual assault claims made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Friday...

Yahoo! News | Civic Engagement

Newark Student Sit-in Lasted Through the Night at District Headquarters

NJ.com - February 18, 2015, by Naomi Nix - New Jersey Communities United organizer and NSU co-founder Thais Marques said the school district is preventing food from coming up to the students...

Organizing for Education Justice

Presentan plan para obtener la ciudanía estatal en NY El proyecto concedería a los indocumentados neoyorquinos gran parte de los derechos que otorga la ciudadanía federal

El Diario - June 16, 2014 by Juan Matossian - Nueva York - Ante la inoperancia del Congreso para aprobar una reforma migratoria federal, legisladores neoyorquinos presentaron el lunes una...

Tipirneni Gains Momentum In Last Week Of CD8 Special Elections, Outraises Lesko

The democrat gained her financial advantage mostly through small donors, but also recently received support from healthcare activist Ady Barkan, who launched a six-figure ad campaign supporting...

The Foothills Focus | Civic Engagement

Will last-minute work soon be history?

When Russell Miller worked at Abercrombie, one of his days each week had to be an on-call day.  He wouldn’t know if he’d have to show up to work until an hour in advance.


Restoring a Fair Workweek
[created] | Published by: New York Patch

Arrests Made At Protest Outside UES Home Of JPMorgan Chase Exec

Arrests Made At Protest Outside UES Home Of JPMorgan Chase Exec

Hundreds of people picketed outside of 1185 Park Ave. around 8 a.m. to deliver more than 100,000 petition signatures demanding that JPMorgan Chase stop financing immigrant detention centers and...

New York Patch | Civic Engagement, Holding Wall Street Accountable


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Feel that? It’s the power of the people taking center stage. Popular Democracy is 50 grassroots orgs across 34 states + D.C. fighting to flip the script on the traditional politics that fails us. We’re the movement for a multiracial democracy where EVERYONE thrives—no exceptions. https://t.co/j9nxUJ1qdN

10 hours ago

46 days till the election means we're... doing a candidate vibe check making plans for our ride to the polls double checking our registration and updating addresses requesting absentee ballots Plan your ballot at our ballotready link here: https://t.co/9on0fjRktA https://t.co/RIrvxBOPpl

7 days ago