We support justice for the Palestinian people and join the call for an end to violent attacks on Palestinians by the state of Israel.
May 25, 2021
As a national network of organizations dedicated to addressing the forces of racial capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy that violently oppress Black, Latinx, immigrant and other marginalized people across the United States of America, we support justice for the Palestinian people and join the call for an end to violent attacks on Palestinians by the state of Israel.
Our network’s mission is to build the power of people across the United States to transform their communities through collective action and create a world where they can thrive. The principles and values that undergird the central struggles we are engaged in do not start and end at the United States border—they are our aspirations for people who face systemic oppression everywhere across the globe. This moment requires us to refuse silence and amplify the calls for freedom and justice for the Palestinian people.
Last year, the United States provided $3.8 billion in foreign military aid to Israel. In recent weeks, Israeli airstrikes have killed more than 200 Palestinians, plunging many dozens of families into untold terror and grief. We join with organizations and allies across the country calling on the US government to end its complicity with the ongoing violent oppression of the Palestinian people. Our tax dollars should support building and strengthening communities, not fund oppression and state-sanctioned violence by the government of Israel.
We believe that a world where all people can thrive is worth fighting for. We call on all those who share in this vision to take action in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and oppressed people here at home in the United States and elsewhere around the globe.
The Center for Popular Democracy is a national network of more than 50 community organizations dedicated to achieving racial and economic justice through local grassroots organizing. CPD trains and supports leadership, staff, and members to grow base-building organizations to scale and leverage that strength to win cutting-edge policy victories at the federal, state and local level.