Cy-Près Awards

“I recommend the Center for Popular Democracy as a cy-pres recipient because of CPD’s commitment to advancing workers’ rights and to ensuring that workers can meaningfully enforce their rights in the workplace. Through innovative policy advocacy, strategic research, and supporting worker organizing to demand justice, CPD’s work is closely aligned with the underlying purpose of employment class actions, which is to ensure that workers enjoy the protection of our labor laws.”

– Juno Turner, Partner at Outten & Golden

In some class action litigation, funds remain unclaimed after distribution to the plaintiffs. The cy-près doctrine, which means “as nearly as possible,” permits the court (or parties to a settlement) to designate the residual funds to a non-profit charitable organization whose work advances the public interest issues presented by the litigation.

CPD’s cross-cutting and innovative work makes us an excellent steward for cy pres awards in cases related to workers’ rights, climate justice, immigrants’ rights, racial justice, voting rights, and education justice. A cy pres award to CPD advances the public interest by investing in our collective capacity to confront the root causes of injustice, seek transformative solutions, and work in sustained partnership with directly impacted communities to shift power.

Your generous support will allow CPD to continue our fight to envision and win an innovative pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial and economic justice agenda.

If you believe CPD may be a fit for a cy pres award, please contact CPD’s development team.