
#ReclaimMLK Honors Dr. King's Legacy

This weekend thousands took to the streets and engaged in acts of political protest and community building to reclaim the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Using the hashtag #ReclaimMLK communities across the country planned activities—from die-ins, to marches, to political education seminars, to people’s assemblies, to community healing activities—in an attempt to honor the radical vision and brave tactics of Dr. King.

The nationwide call for action was an attempt to reclaim Dr. King’s radical and uncompromising message of principled resistance and to continue the growing movement against all forms of state violence. Many of this weekend’s events emphasized the relationship between economic deprivation, subpar education, mass incarceration, political disenfranchisement and police violence. The prevalence and diversity of events makes clear that the energy and spirit of resistance that flooded the streets after the killing of Mike Brown continues and is part of a larger struggle for recognition of the value and rights of black and brown communities.

Our partner’s across the country took part and helped plan events that elevated and embraced Dr. King’s visionary politics—a politics rooted in urgency and action. In St. Louis, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) and our allies Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) supported a series of events and disruptions throughout the weekend. In New York, Make the Road New York (MRNY) and New York Communities for Change (NYCC) took part in the #March4Justice, where thousands took to the streets Monday demanding an end to state violence and police brutality. Events in Oakland, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Boston also made news as communities came together to manifest their commitment to justice and equality.