Living United for Change in Arizona

Incorporated in December 2009, Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) organizes Arizona’s low- and moderate-income and minority families to take action on the issues most important to them and advance the cause of social and economic justice for all.

Through leadership development, grassroots issue-based campaigns, advocacy and civic engagement, we seek to create an Arizona in which every resident has an equal voice in determining the policies and shaping the decision-making bodies that will govern our communal life.   

LUCHA is a member-driven organization with over 600 dues-paying members.  Through the investment of our community, LUCHA, through a partnership with our sister organization ACE, has provided member services designed to empower our community.  These Empowerment Services include legal immigration documentation preparation, English and Citizenship courses, technology workshops, ACE Summer Leadership program and other workshops to help our community develop both as professionals and leadership our community.

LUCHA has also been the leading community organization working on worker rights.  LUCHA and ACE are the lead organization for the Arizona Fight for $15, through the campaign, we have mobilized over 1,000 individuals through various actions, over 5,000 supporters through online petitions and creative the momentum for potential ballot initiatives regarding minimum wage and paid sick leave.

Education has also become a large focus of LUCHA, as the organization charged with the YES for PHX budget override campaign.  A successfully passed override that brought $21 million dollars to the Phoenix Union High School District.  Through our membership, campaigns, programs and Empowerment Services, we believe that our organization has been a catalyst for developing many of our youth in Arizona, helping to bring real change to this beautiful state.

Contact Info

5716 N 19th Ave

Phoenix, AZ 85015
