Organization United for Respect

We are people who work in retail, now the most common job in the country. We are hard-working folks – many of us parents – struggling with low pay, unpredictable part-time hours, limited access to benefits, and countless hurdles to opportunity. Our workweeks are ever-changing and our paychecks are, too. We scramble to pay the bills, find child care, and show up for our families. Through OUR’s growing network, we work together to move the largest corporations and our elected officials to make retail jobs good jobs – ones that can support our families. We are taking on Wall Street and the corporate monopolies who put a quick profit over our families. We are using technology to give us more power to shape the future of of our work.

OUR’s approach is rooted in three core strategies:

  • Building power to win high-impact corporate and policy change.
  • Developing leadership and fostering a supportive community to enforce our rights.
  • Sharing our innovations in technology to expand grassroots movement capacity.

Contact Info

Oakland, CA
