Our vision is one anchored in love and deep respect for the inherent capacity and creativity of all of us. It is a vision that sees popular democracy—imaginative, informed, sustained participation by everyone—in the economy, in our government, in our communities, in the exercise of our fundamental human rights, as the vehicle for our collective liberation and the expression of our shared priorities.
The COVID-19 crisis revealed our country’s deepest vulnerabilities and exacerbated long-standing inequities. Black, Brown, working-class, and immigrant communities—the backbone of CPD/A’s network—were hit hardest by the virus and the economic crisis.
We celebrate the power of the people and honor it by fighting day in and day out for a country that is worthy of all their hopes and labor. Because CPD/A and our affiliates have a long-term commitment to building power for our communities, our work is not limited to crisis moments and continues beyond election cycles. We can only achieve our vision through deep interconnection and interdependence.