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04/30/2018 | Holding Wall Street Accountable, Protecting Immigrant Communities

Bankrolling Oppression: How Wall Street Companies Finance the Private Prison and Immigrant Detention Industry

The private prison and immigrant detention industry profits off of the pain of communities and the separation of families. As the Trump administration continues to advance policies that further criminalize Black, Brown, and immigrant communities, the private prison and detention industry is experiencing renewed opportunities for growth.

Published By

Center for Popular Democracy, Make the Road New York, New York Communities for Change, Enlace International, and the Strong Economy for All Coalition

    This report investigates the influential role that major Wall Street corporations - including JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and BlackRock - play in maintaining and expanding the private prison and immigrant detention industry. As the Trump administration advances an imprisonment agenda and anti-immigrant policies, private prison companies are taking advantage of new opportunities to benefit from potential increases in incarceration and detention rates. Companies like JPMorgan, Wells, and BlackRock, are ready and willing to finance their operations and expansion, regardless of the cost in human suffering.