Popular Democracy's new logo, inspired by a microphone, symbolizes our mission to amplify the voices of those pushed to the margins and demand that their stories, struggles, and solutions are heard.

Join Us To Amplify Your Voice

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Negotiating better wages. Pushing for family benefits. Standing up against workplace harassment. Black and Latina women are reshaping what power in labor looks like! It’s time to rethink the face of labor unions — we're diverse, fierce and making history. #UnionStrong https://t.co/Dww1fgmHKf

1 hour ago

Corporate developers see climate crises as opportunities to profit from our pain. But we know that green, community-owned housing is the solution we need to stop disaster profiteers from making our housing even more unaffordable.

1 day ago


Join us in growing our movement to defend democracy and secure safety, dignity, and liberation for all.