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[created] | Published by: The Hill

Women's March plans 'Medicare for All' day of lobbying in DC

Women's March plans 'Medicare for All' day of lobbying in DC

Other progressive organizations that will participate in the lobbying push Friday include Center for Popular Democracy.


01/29/2019 | The Hill | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Citations Needed (podcast)

Episode 63: Gambling and Neoliberal Rot - How Our Most Regressive Tax Flies Under the Radar

Episode 63: Gambling and Neoliberal Rot - How Our Most Regressive Tax Flies Under the Radar

“Nima: Yeah. So we will shift now from the academic to the more advocacy side of this and so we will be speaking now with Les Bernal, National Director of Stop Predatory Gambling, a broad...

01/29/2019 | Citations Needed (podcast) | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Truthout

Yes, Low Unemployment Does Raise Wages

Yes, Low Unemployment Does Raise Wages

Thankfully, Janet Yellen, who was then Fed chair, agreed with this position. (It helped that our friends with the Fed Up Coalition were also pushing hard in this direction.) Her replacement,...

01/29/2019 | Truthout | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: Maine Beacon

Mainers thank Pingree for sponsoring Medicare for All, urge Golden to sign on

Mainers thank Pingree for sponsoring Medicare for All, urge Golden to sign on

“Lisa Wesel of Bowdoinham, a mother of an adult daughter with disabilities, said she’s been lobbying for her daughter’s healthcare for 22 years. Wesel is a member of the grassroots organization...

01/29/2019 | Maine Beacon | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Queens County Politics

District Attorney Accountability Launches, Katz & Lancman No Shows

District Attorney Accountability Launches, Katz & Lancman No Shows

Advocate groups in the coalition were the Blue Horseshoe Foundation, Bronx Freedom Fund, the Center for Popular Democracy, Color of change, Court Watch NYC, DSA Queens, Five Boro Defenders, Gay...

01/29/2019 | Queens County Politics | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Metro Latino USA

Indignación por amenaza de cortes de fondos de ayuda para desastres a Puerto Rico

Indignación por amenaza de cortes de fondos de ayuda para desastres a Puerto Rico

Este plan absurdo para quitarle fondos claves a puertorriqueños, texanos, californianos y otros que les falta mucho para recuperarse de las tormentas, incendios y otros desastres que han sufrido...

01/29/2019 | Metro Latino USA | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond
[created] | Published by: NotiCel

Sindicatos protestarán acuerdo de COFINA frente al Tribunal Federal

Sindicatos protestarán acuerdo de COFINA frente al Tribunal Federal

La manifestación convocada por Prosol-Utier, Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico y su Comité de Jubilados, Frente Ciudadano por la Auditoria de la Deuda, Coordinadora Sindical, VAMOS, Colectiva...

01/29/2019 | NotiCel | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond
[created] | Published by: El Vocero

Organizaciones rechazan desvío de fondos para el muro

Organizaciones rechazan desvío de fondos para el muro

Este plan absurdo para quitarles fondos claves a puertorriqueños, tejanos, californianos y otros que les falta mucho para recuperarse de las tormentas, incendios y otros desastres que han sufrido...

01/29/2019 | El Vocero | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond
[created] | Published by: el Nuevo Dia

Grupos comunitarios censuran plan para quitar fondos a Puerto Rico

Grupos comunitarios censuran plan para quitar fondos a Puerto Rico

Este plan absurdo para quitarle fondos claves a puertorriqueños, tejanos, californianos y otros que les falta mucho para recuperarse de las tormentas, incendios y otros desastres que han sufrido...

01/29/2019 | el Nuevo Dia | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond
[created] | Published by: Sin Comillas

El acuerdo de COFINA compromete el futuro de Puerto Rico

El acuerdo de COFINA compromete el futuro de Puerto Rico

“El informe fue presentado en una conferencia de prensa con la asistencia de representantes de LittleSis, Frente Ciudadano por la Auditoría de la Deuda, VAMOS, Center for Popular Democracy,...

01/29/2019 | Sin Comillas | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond


this just in...


Feel that? It’s the power of the people taking center stage. Popular Democracy is 50 grassroots orgs across 34 states + D.C. fighting to flip the script on the traditional politics that fails us. We’re the movement for a multiracial democracy where EVERYONE thrives—no exceptions. https://t.co/j9nxUJ1qdN

1 day ago

46 days till the election means we're... doing a candidate vibe check making plans for our ride to the polls double checking our registration and updating addresses requesting absentee ballots Plan your ballot at our ballotready link here: https://t.co/9on0fjRktA https://t.co/RIrvxBOPpl

8 days ago