

The People Have Decided

The people have spoken loud and clear. Voters turned out in record numbers to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president and vice president of the United States and to claim a vision for transforming our country.

November 7, 2020
Media Contact: Center for Popular Democracy;

New York, NY — Today, the Center for Popular Democracy released the following statement from Network President and Co-Executive Director Jennifer Epps-Addison after Biden was declared the winner:

The people have spoken loud and clear. Voters turned out in record numbers to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president and vice president of the United States and to claim a vision for transforming our country. 

This election will go down in history. Joe Biden has won with more votes than any other president in the history of this country; the United States has elected the first Black and Indian American woman as vice president; and millions more people turned out to vote in this election than ever before, despite a raging pandemic and the hurdles of voter intimidation, suppression and misinformation put in their way. 

Central to the story of record-high voter turnout, particularly among Black and Latinx communities and young people, is the work of progressive people’s organizations who labored tirelessly to create a world where all voices are included and heard. 

In the face of unprecedented threats to our lives and our democracy, people organized to build more power than ever before. We came together to create sanctuary cities when immigrant families were under attack, we rose up and took to the streets in defense of Black lives, and we saved the Affordable Care Act and prevented millions from losing their healthcare. Then, knowing what was at stake in this election, the Center for Popular Democracy’s network of 55 organizations in 35 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, mobilized unprecedented numbers of Black and Latinx voters, young voters, voters struggling to make ends meet and people who had never voted before, to lay claim to their right to determine the future of our country. 

As the Biden/Harris administration takes office, they are faced with a clear mandate from the people: They must take action to turn the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic, lead us out of this economic crisis to an economy that works for all, take bold steps towards advancing racial justice, implement humane immigration policies, transform our justice system, make up for lost ground in fighting climate change and ensure quality healthcare for all. They will need to lead with a bold progressive vision, and overcome at every turn those — in congress and in the judiciary — who will try to use their power to undermine the will of the people. 

Donald Trump is refusing to concede losing the election by attempting to stop the vote count in some places and calling for recounts in others, filing empty lawsuits, encouraging intimidation tactics from his supporters, and sowing chaos and confusion. But the people have spoken and selected new leaders — and the will of the people must prevail.

Today we celebrate the power of the people, and tomorrow we will keep fighting for a country that is worthy of all their hopes and labor. 


The Center for Popular Democracy is a national network of more than 50 community organizations dedicated to achieving racial and economic justice through local grassroots organizing. CPD trains and supports leadership, staff, and members to grow base-building organizations to scale and leverage that strength to win cutting-edge policy victories at the federal, state, and local levels.