
Undocumented immigrants deported 5.9 million provincial legal aid funding

World Journal – November 8, 2013, by Luohui Qi – New York City this summer from the city council was set aside $ 500,000 to establish the nation’s first publicly-provided legal assistance to undocumented immigrants pilot program, called “Project New York immigrant family reunification” (New York Immigrant Family Unity Project), the project officially launched this week. Multiple agencies involved in advocacy on the 7th released the latest report noted that such projects be extended to the whole of New York, an annual savings of up to 5.9 million yuan for the government’s detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants hidden costs.

Non-profit agencies involved in advocating for one year, “the New York immigrant family reunification program” includes mass democracy Center (Center for Popular Democracy), the North Manhattan Immigrant Rights Coalition (Northern Manhatttan Coalition for
Immigration Rights), make New York the road, “Make the Road New York “and the Cardozo School of Law (Cardozo School of Law) Greenberg Immigration Justice Research Institute (Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic). They published the 7th “New York immigrant family reunion project: suitable for families, suitable employer for all New Yorkers.” (The New York Immigrant Family Unity Project: Good for Families, Good for Employers, and Good for All New Yorkers) reports.

The report notes that the project is indeed a legal advisory network, funding of $ 500,000 per year is expected to be about 1,800 low-income, detained and facing deportation of undocumented immigration services to provide basic legal assistance to them, such as translation, social workers and investigation. Record lawyers seeking assistance from immigration court objects, such as the case during the trial, the defendant meets the conditions and requirements of the project, these people will get the initiative to contact a lawyer.

The report also pointed out that due to the state capital every year detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants spend 13.4 million yuan, such as the annual 7.4 million yuan invested in the project – the state’s taxpayers liable only 0.78 yuan per share, will be able to save 5.9 million spending. These agencies believe that now that the project has commenced, with the report was published, the project will increase the likelihood of expansion. These institutions will share the report with state officials and other analysis to allow more undocumented immigrants and their families can get equal treatment before the law.