For Immediate Release: Tuesday, February 17 2015
Contact: Ricardo A. Ramírez,, 202-464-7376
Late on Monday night, U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen of Brownsville Texas, who has previously expressed anti-immigrant views, issued a preliminary injunction that temporarily blocks the implementation process of the new immigrant deferred action programs. Immigrant communities and their allies have been eagerly preparing to take advantage of the President’s expanded administrative relief program, which is scheduled to go into effect on February 18, 2015. The ruling may delay the program’s start date, forcing the millions of immigrant workers who are ready to come forward, register, and apply for work permits, to wait indefinitely.
“Immigrants across the country are moving forward regardless of today’s ruling,” said Ana Maria Archila, Co-Executive Director at the Center for Popular Democracy. “We partner with dozens of grassroots pro-immigrant organizations across the country who refuse to be scared off by this. They are committed to fighting not only for DACA and DAPA, but for a path to citizenship for all 11 million.”
“The ruling is a temporary setback and it does not change the fact that the President’s executive order is a victory for immigrant families,” said Joaquín Guerra of the Texas Organizing Project. “What is disappointing is that Governor Greg Abbott has put Texas on the same footing with Arizona’s notorious Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his cheap political stunts. No longer can Texas Republicans distance themselves from Arizona or Alabama when it comes to attacking Latinos and immigrants. We call on the Department if Justice to immediately file for a stay at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals so they can reject this meritless lawsuit that is an attack on immigrant families and a waste of taxpayer dollars.”