
National Day of Action to Reclaim Public Education in Over 60 Cities

Thousands of Parents, Students & Teachers Join National Day of Action in Over 60 Cities, Call for New Direction in Education Reform. On Dec. 9, a coalition of parents, students and teachers across the country participated in a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. At town hall events, marches and rallies in over 60 cities they demanded a new direction in education reform, one that ends inequities, closes opportunity gaps, and ensures every child has the resources and opportunities to succeed.

December 9, 2013

Contact: Kyle Serrette, Center for Popular Democracy
(202) 304-8027,

Thousands of Parents, Students & Teachers Join National Day of Action in Over 60 Cities
Call for New Direction in Education Reform

On Dec. 9, a coalition of parents, students and teachers across the country participated in a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. At town hall events, marches and rallies in over 60 cities they demanded a new direction in education reform, one that ends inequities, closes opportunity gaps, and ensures every child has the resources and opportunities to succeed.

For too long, education policy has been dominated by top-down mandates, high-stakes testing, mass school closures and a mantra of “no excuses” that disregards the impact of inequality, and austerity on students’ opportunities to learn.

The Day of Action charts a new way forward to ensure excellent neighborhood schools for all children. Needed reforms include fair school funding, universal early education, wraparound services to meet students’ academic, social and health needs, and support for teachers.

Public schools form the backbone of our democracy and ensure the country’s long-term economic success. For our schools to remain a robust public institution capable of meeting the needs of all children, policymakers must incorporate the voices of parents, students, communities and teachers in their decision-making.

The Day of Action grew out of an October conference in Los Angeles that was hosted in partnership by the National Opportunity to Learn Campaign, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, and Communities for Public Education Reform. The new coalition of parents, students, teachers, labor and community groups that emerged developed the Principles That Unite Us, a guiding document that serves as blueprint for a new vision of education reform.

As part of the Day of Action, coalition members are asking individuals and organizations to sign on to the Principles  That Unite Us and to sign a petition asking policymakers to endorse the document.

A partial list of Day of Action events and media coverage is available at

“Our communities have felt the pain of the disinvestment in public education for many years and we have fought to preserve it,” said Kyle Serrette, Director of Education for the Center for Popular Democracy. “Today, we are excited to intensify our struggle and build the power we will need to win.”

“This is a pivotal moment in public education across the nation and in New York. For too long, students have seen classes eliminated, resources dwindle and teachers cut. Compounded by excessive testing, New York’s students are missing out on the vital opportunities that are crucial for college and career success,” said Billy Easton, Executive Director of the Alliance for Quality Education (AQE) in New York. “On Monday, AQE – in partnership with NYSUT, Citizen Action of NY, UFT & others – will be hosting events across the state to highlight the crisis our public schools are facing and uplift the solutions to get NY back on track to providing every student with a sound basic education.”

“In Chicago, hundreds will deliver signed Holiday Cards stating ‘What Chicago School Children want for the Holidays’ to the Aldermen who have not supported the community in pushing for the City to declare a TIF Surplus to help reverse the severe budget cuts to neighborhood schools this year,” said representatives from the Albany Park Neighborhood Council in Chicago. “Governor Quinn will also receive a wish list from parents, students, and community members on the need for an Elected Representative School Board and a stop on charter expansion when neighborhood schools are not being adequately funded.”

“The OTL Campaign is proud to stand with parents and young people across the country as they work with teachers and community members to reclaim public education,” said John H. Jackson, President and CEO of the Schott Foundation for Public Education, which is the OTL Campaign’s parent organization. “It is time for our country to shift from standards-based reform to policies that ensure every student has access to the resources and supports they need.”

For more information on the National Day of Action, visit or contact Kyle Serrette at (202) 304-8027.

National organizations sponsoring the Day of Action include:
Alliance for Educational Justice (AEJ)
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Annenberg Institute for School Reform
Center for Popular Democracy
Dignity in Schools Coalition
Gamaliel Network
Journey for Justice Alliance (J4J)
Leadership Center for the Common Good
League of United Latin American Citizens
National Education Association (NEA)
National Opportunity to Learn (OTL) Campaign
Service Employees International Union