Chicago Tribune – March 31, 2015, by Alejandra Cancino – The group huddled in front of a McDonald’s in downtown Chicago, preparing to tell the 100 people who had gathered there how the Fight for $15 had taken on a broader fight on behalf of low-wage workers ranging from airport workers to adjunct college professors.
Many of the people who listened to the speeches were young, too young to recall the 1960s-era protests. But that clearly was the vibe of Tuesday’s rally.
“This fight is a fight about racial justice and economic justice,” Charlene Carruthers, national director of the Black Youth Project 100, told the crowd. Her organization is composed of black activists ranging in age from 18 to 35.
“For us, the Fight for 15 is also a fight for our lives,” Carruthers said. “When we say ‘black lives matter,’ that includes black workers.”
Ed Shurna, executive director of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, which is participating in the Fight for $15 campaign, said its strategy seems to borrow elements from eras of the 1930s and the 1960s.
“It has the feel of the civil rights movement, the feel of the labor movement, but it’s 2015 so it’s done in a different way,” Shurna said. He said this campaign is trying to get corporations to take responsibility for the struggles of their workers and get them to increase wages, offer benefits and improve working conditions.
McDonald’s and its franchisees have been the main target of the campaign. Workers have filed lawsuits and complaints at various federal agencies alleging labor law violations, wage theft and unsafe working conditions. Moreover, the campaign, backed by the Service Employees International Union, wants the National Labor Relations Board to declare that McDonald’s and its franchisees share responsibility for working conditions, benefits and pay.
“We won’t stop until these multibillion-dollar companies pay us a living wage of $15 per hour,” said Douglas Hunter, a McDonald’s worker.
In a statement, McDonald’s said it respects people’s right to peacefully protest. “Historically, very few McDonald’s employees have participated in these organized events,” Heidi Barker Sa Shekhem, a McDonald’s spokeswoman, said in the statement.
Matt Hoffmann, an adjunct professor at Loyola University, said faculty members of colleges in Chicago and across the nation have drawn inspiration from fast-food workers and the Fight for $15.
He said adjuncts want to be paid $15,000 per course, a figure that would include wages and benefits. He said he currently is paid $4,500 per course and doesn’t receive benefits.
Hoffmann, who spoke at Tuesday’s rally, said, “We struggle with our bills; we receive no benefits and we have little job stability.”
At an event announcing the actions in front of a McDonald’s in New York City’s Times Square, organizers said home health care aides, airport workers, adjunct professors, child care workers and Wal-Mart workers will be among those turning out in April.
Terrence Wise, a Burger King worker from Kansas City, Mo., and a national leader of the Fight for $15 push, said more than 2,000 groups including Jobs With Justice and the Center for Popular Democracy will show their support as well.