
CPD Director of Research Connie Razza on Melissa Harris-Perry

How Pension Plans are at Risk

Melisa Harris-Perry – March 23, 2014 – Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, Connie Razza, Arun Gupta and Karen Friedman takes a closer look at Detroit’s pension funds as the city struggles with bankruptcy and the growing retirement savings crisis nationwide.


How CEO Pensions Compare to Average Workers’ Pensions

Melissa Harris-Perry – March 23, 2014 – According to a recent survey, CEO pensions are worth at least 239 times more than the average employee’s 401(k) at ten of the biggest U.S. companies.


Why Cities are Watching Detroit

Melissa Harris-Perry – March 23, 2014 – The MHP table discusses if other American cities could be on the same road as Detroit.