

Trump's Justice Department Just Declared All-Out War on Obamacare. What Does It Mean?

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The Body

The Justice Department’s recent move is “absolutely outrageous,” says Jennifer Flynn, a co-organizer of Birddog Nation, a national grassroots network of activists who hound candidates on health care, funded by Housing Works and the Center for Popular Democracy. “It ignores the hundreds of thousands of people who took action in 2017 to save the ACA — 10,000 distinct actions nationwide, as reported by [House Speaker, Democrat] Nancy Pelosi. It goes against Trump’s own advisers. Both houses of Congress voted down the effort to kill ACA. It’s just a stupid move to distract people from the illegal actions of the Trump administration and to terrorize people with pre-existing conditions, which is most of us, and people with disabilities or sick kids.”

Read the full article here.