

Stephen Moore is Not Suitable for the Fed


WASHINGTON, D.C. — In response to President Trump’s nomination of Stephen Moore to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the Fed Up campaign released the following statement:

“Last year, Fed Up successfully opposed a nominee for the Board of Governors who had called for the elimination of the Fed’s full employment mandate, and we are prepared to do so again. Stephen Moore’s extreme devotion to wealthy interests, along with his embrace of discredited “Trumponomics” and the Laffer Curve must not be allowed to have a presence on the Fed Board. The Senate Banking Committee should ask him tough questions about his opposition to the Fed’s full employment objective, his admitted lack of monetary policy expertise, his partisan flip from warning of deflation to bashing Jay Powell for being too hawkish, and his proud support for white supremacists like Steve King. These positions cast serious doubt that he has the judgement required for this vital position.”