Newsmax – 05-06-2015 – Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren held a set of private meetings on April 22 with a group of progressive activists, including several involved in the draft Warren for president campaign, Politico reported.
The discussion centered on social and economic issues, police brutality, and immigration. The attendees would like Warren to help move the Democratic dialogue — and the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — further to the left.
Jonathan Westin of New York Communities for Change said the goal of the meeting was to see “how Elizabeth Warren with her platform could work with us to move a progressive vision for the country and really engage with communities of color,” Politico reported.
Westin has been active through the New York Working Families Party and in calling for her to run for president.
“This was about someone who we want to be sharing the issues that are affecting communities of color and working class communities to make her the strongest possible champion on those issues,” said Daniel Altschuler, another “Draft Warren” advocate.
There is no indication that the presidential issue was raised.
Also taking part in the meetings were Shabnam Bashiri of Rise Up Georgia, Bill Bartlett of Action United, and Brian Kettenring of the Center for Popular Democracy.
Democracy for America and are key players behind the draft Warren campaign and also coordinate with the Ready for Warren group, Politico reported.
Many progressives in the Democratic Party argue that a primary race would push Clinton into adopting positions closer to those of the party’s base.
“Some of the people I know who were in the ‘Draft Warren’ movement are people we work with and know, because they’re part of the broader progressive ecosystem. I’d say more of us are stepping up to define the terms of the debate,” said Kettenring.
“The point of the meeting was to discuss economic and social justice issues,” a Warren aide told Politico. “As Sen. Warren has said many times, she does not support the draft group’s efforts and is not running for president.”