
Progressive New Yorkers Launch “13 Bold Progressive Ideas for NYC In 2013”


Progressive Council Members Rally with Broad Coalition of Community Groups, Grassroots Leaders, Policy Experts and Labor Unions

Today, the Progressive Caucus of the City Council, in partnership with over 30 endorsing organizations, launched “13 Bold Progressive Ideas for NYC in 2013.” This policy platform, available at the interactive website articulates a progressive vision for New York City in the new legislative session. By uniting around this shared agenda, New York’s major progressive organizations will inform the debate in the upcoming elections and push for key priorities such as police accountability, low-wage worker organizing, paid si ck days, and equitable Hurricane Sandy recovery.

“It’s time to restore New York City’s place as a beacon for equality, compassion, and democracy,” said Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Brad Lander. “ In this important election year, the City Council’s Progressive Caucus is proud to stand united with NYC’s labor, community, and civil rights organizations in pursuit of these 13 Bold Ideas for the investments, policies, and reforms that our city so badly needs.”

“The 2013 elections provide a unique opportunity to promote a pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial justice agenda in New York City and to unify around key progressive policy issues, such as police accountability, low-wage worker organizing, paid sick days, and equitable Sandy recovery,” said Andrew Friedman, Executive Director, Center for Popular Democracy. “The Center for Popular Democracy is honored to support the Progressive Caucus’ work to build a more just New York City.”

“We are proud to have the support of so many organizations and unions as we unveil our vision of building a more livable, affordable, and sustainable city,” said Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Melissa Mark-Viverito. “When low-wage workers thrive, all New Yorkers are better off. That’s why improving the lives of these workers is such a central component of our policy agenda. Whether it’s paid sick time, boosting wages or defending the right to organize, we in the Caucus stand ready to improve working conditions for this vital sector of our economy.”

“Bold and progressive are words long associated with this great city,” said Hector Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU. “This platform offers an exciting – and attainable – vision for a livable, affordable and sustainable city. We’re ready for new ideas and new energy, and have a unique opportunity in 2013 to rebuild our infrastructure, recommit to responsible development, confront climate change, and make New York City the most immigrant and working family-friendly city in the world.”

“Though the New York Civil Liberties Union can only address portions of this progressive agenda, we share the commitment to a New York City where all people are treated fairly, equally and with dignity,” said Donna Lieberman, Executive Director, NYCLU. “That’s why we welcome the Progressive Caucus’ bold ideas to ensure that all children have the opportunity to get a decent education, in a respectful and supportive environment, and to ensure equal justice  for all  — fair and just policing , meaningful accountability and oversight of the NYPD, protection for immigrants and government transparency.  These bold ideas  are a significant part of the progressive agenda and will enhance the lives, liberty and dignity of New Yorkers and help make New York a fairer and more just city.”

“I am excited to be a part of the 13 Bold Ideas that will transform our City in a positive and progressive direction,” said Council Member Jumaane Williams.  “This mission statement is a blueprint for ensuring that every New Yorker is able to live up to their potential. Action items like greater police accountability, reforming local government and ensuring a quality education for our children are issues we can all rally around in the coming year.”

“I am proud to lend my voice to help articulate a progressive vision for New York City,” said Council Member Margaret S. Chin. “Our vision is a City where prosperity is shared among all New Yorkers – not just the very wealthy; where all of our civil rights are upheld; where a hard day’s work is rightfully compensated; and where all New Yorkers have access to quality public education, health care, and childcare. Now is the time for change. I want to thank all the organizations that have pledged to support a more sustainable, more equal and fairer New York City.”

“We are thrilled to be part of this effort to make New York City a truly progressive city,” said Sherry Leiwant, Co-President, A Better Balance, “and we are delighted that paid sick days which we have been trying to pass for almost four years is a major part of this agenda.

“We applaud the Progressive Caucus and their Council Members for the launch of 13 Bold Ideas,” said Javier H. Valdes, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road Action Fund. “The elections of 2013 provide us with the opportunity for us to come together and create a collective vision for a more equitable New York.”

“The diversity of the groups represented in the Progressive Caucus is a symbol of what we are trying to achieve across the city — to provide a voice for ALL New Yorkers,” said Council Member Stephen Levin. “By launching 13 Bold Ideas we stand together to move New York City forward.”

“These 13 bold ideas will help cement a solid agenda within the New York City Council that will help us to continue toward building a city that is affordable and sustainable for all,” said Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer. “There is no opportunity like the present to shed light on issues which are close to New York City’s working class. I stand by my fellow progressives in pushing to implement these initiatives which I believe will strengthen and develop our City’s middle class. Together we will build a coalition of partnerships that will continue to enact equal justice for all and enhance our government in an effort to provides results for all people.”

“New York City — one of the most economically unequal cities in the nation — desperately needs bold ideas like these,” said Dave Palmer, Executive Director of the Center for Working Families.

“The Local 1180 motto is ‘We make New York work for all New Yorkers,’” said Arthur Cheliotis, President, Local 1180. “It reflects our belief that the work the members do in our complex government facilitates government services to all New Yorkers. These 13 Bold Progressive Ideas will help make our government work for all New Yorkers. It offers a vision and plan of a city government that will act in the interest of New Yorkers in every walk of life by offering an equal opportunity to excel and contribute to the common good.  These 13 Bold Progressive Ideas offer concrete proposals to ensure that our government protects us from intimidation, manipulation and exploitation by the rich and powerf ul. They move us closer to a transparent, accountable and effective government, by and for all the people, which is at the core of the democratic principles we cherish as New Yorkers and Americans. We must make these 13 Bold Progressive Ideas the bulwark of New York City’s Government.”

“This is a bold platform for a more just city,” said Bill Lipton, Working Families Party. “The City Council will see tremendous turnover this year. A platform like this will help the voters know which candidates share a vision for a city that works for all of us.”

“Hurricane Sandy exacerbated many long-standing economic and social inequities – making worse homelessness, unemployment, and health disparities for many low-income New Yorkers,” said Brian Pearson, Community Organizer, VOCAL-NY. “Yet this tragedy also presents an opportunity to rebuild in a way that is equitable and just. We must build back a better, more sustainable New York where all New Yorkers have access to affordable housing, good jobs, and quality health care.”

“The 13 Bold Ideas are a rallying cry for progressive New Yorkers,” said Alex Low, President, New Kings Democrats. “This is a blueprint for creating a more just, fair and equitable New York City, and for ushering in real democracy to the New York City Council.”

“This is a strong policy agenda built on justice, fairness, and a high quality of life and would make New York a model for cities around the world,” said Té Revesz, Chair of Citizen Action of New York City. “If implemented, these ideas would allow all residents the opportunity for success, revitalizing the concept of the American dream.”

“To move New York City forward in a meaningful and fair way, our elected officials must address key issues facing our city such as police accountability, paid sick leave for all workers and improving the quality of mass transit and public education,” said Aliya Quraishi, Board Member, Greater NYC for Change. “13 Bold Ideas sets out to bring these issues to the City Council and I strongly support this initiative.”

“Demos is proud to support the Progressive Caucus’ 2013 agenda,” said Amy Traub, Senior Policy Analyst, Demos. “These principles and policies are essential to building a New York where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy.”

“The 13 Bold Ideas advance good jobs that provide sustainable wages, strengthen the social safety net, further the call for permanent affordable housing, and build a stronger and more direct democracy,” said John Medina, a member-leader of Community Voices Heard Power. “ In this important and historic year, these Bold Ideas would move New York to be a beacon in the fight for the working poor and for those unable to work. We are proud to unite with the Progressive Caucus and the other organizations supporting the 13 Bold Progressive Ideas because this is the year for action.”

“2013 is a unique opportunity for young people to help shape New York City to truly realize its progressive potential: for many young voters, it will be the first time they will elect a new Mayor, a new Comptroller, a new Public Advocate, a new Borough President and a new City Council Member,” said Stefan Ringel, President, Brooklyn Young Democrats. “The Brooklyn Young Democrats represent the voice of students, young professionals and activists all across Kings County; we are the current and future stakeholders in our communities. By advancing legal and economic equality, investing in our youth and creating sustainable and affordable neighborhoods, the 13 Bold Ideas will ultimately change the Borough for the b etter for years to come. The Brooklyn Young Democrats will continue work to see that progressive ideas don’t just remain ideas, but become successfully implemented and ensure that the future for all Brooklynites – young and old – is a bright one.”

“For a fully functionally 21st Century economy, New Yorkers need a government that fosters connectivity, educates them for the future, and supports an innovative economy,” said Noel Hidalgo, Open NY Forum / Code for America’s NYC Brigade. “Through Local Law 11 of 2012 and BigApps, all New Yorkers are starting to take advantage of participatory, transparent and innovative government. With further public and private collaboration, we can build a New York for all New Yorkers.”

Endorsing Partner Organizations

1199 SEIU


A Better Balance

Association of Neighborhood and Housing Development


Barack Obama Democratic Club

Brooklyn Movement Center

Brooklyn Young Democrats


Center for Popular Democracy

Center for Working Families

Citizen Action of NY – NYC Chapter

Civic Engagement Table

Coalition for the Homeless

Community Service Society

Community Voices Heard Power

CWA Local 1180



Greater NYC for Change

Hell’s Kitchen for Change

Hotel Trades Council

Lambda Independent Democrats

Make the Road Action Fund

Metropolitan Council on Housing


New Kings Democrats

New York Communities for Change

Professional Staff Congress CUNY

South Bronx Unite


Urban Justice Center


Working Families Party