
Outside Clout in Final Report?

Times Union – August 10, 2014, by  Casey Seiler – Between its draft and final versions, a report by SUNY‘s Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government on New York’s controversial Scaffold Law incorporated changes that tended to increase its estimates of the law’s cost and impact.

Some of the changes echoed suggestions made to researchers by the leader of an anti-Scaffold Law organization that paid $82,000 to fund the report — sponsorship that has led critics to attack the study as advocacy in the guise of research. Its authors, however, insist the changes reflect nothing more than their own good-faith efforts to clarify the analysis.

The Scaffold Law, which places “absolute liability” on employers for gravity-related workplace injuries, is supported by labor unions but opposed by business groups that claim it needlessly drives up construction costs. Opponents would like to see New York follow other states by adopting a “comparative negligence” standard that would make workers proportionately responsible when their actions contribute to an accident.

The Rockefeller Institute report was funded by the Lawsuit Reform Alliance, a leading opponent of the law, through its research arm, the New York Civil Justice Institute. The study, made public in February, drew initial controversy for a statistical analysis that concluded construction injuries in Illinois dropped after the state repealed its version of the Scaffold Law in 1995. That finding was highlighted by the law’s opponents, and harshly criticized by labor groups such as the Center for Popular Democracy.

The director of the Albany-based Rockefeller Institute, Thomas Gais, subsequently backed away from that chapter, citing what he described as flaws in the Illinois analysis — conducted by a Cornell University researcher — and the fact that the report was released to its funders before a final round of vetting had taken place.

After that dispute came to light in April, advocates on both sides filed Freedom of Information Law requests to find out if pressure had been placed on the institute, either during its research or after the report’s release.

Documents produced by the Rockefeller Institute in response to the Center for Popular Democracy’s FOIL included email correspondence between researchers and Tom Stebbins, the leader of the Lawsuit Reform Alliance. The exchanges, described last month by the Times Union, included a July 2013 email containing two pages of Stebbins’ suggested edits offered in response to a draft version of the report. While many of his suggested changes were merely typographical, others went to the substance of the report.

The institute initially refused to release the draft report, but produced it last week on the advice of SUNY’s FOIL officer. Side-by-side comparisons of the two reports show that in several instances changes were made that addressed issues raised by Stebbins.

The contract between the institute and the LRA required the researchers to communicate regularly with their funders as the report progressed. In an interview last week, Stebbins said his suggestions were nothing more than an effort “to get the complete picture” of the costs of Scaffold Law.

The second section of the report, prepared by lead researcher Michael Hattery, attempted to assess the public sector costs and impacts imposed by Scaffold Law, including the annual average price of Scaffold Law-related injury awards for public projects. In the draft, researchers found that sum by taking total spending on state and local capital projects (not including public authorities) and applying the average percentage that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority reported spending for labor law injury award costs. (Because the MTA uses what’s essentially an in-house insurance entity, it offered the researchers rich data on insurance costs, claim awards and construction value.)

In the draft version of the report, the formula estimates the cost of gravity-related claims costs by using half of the MTA’s fraction (0.3 percent of total construction value) to estimate awards in urban areas and a quarter of the MTA average (0.15 percent) for non-urban awards. Using those multipliers, the average cost added up to $28.3 million for 2007-2011.

“Why do you use half of the MTA average .3%,” Stebbins asked the researchers in his notes on the draft. He added that it seemed “very inconsistent” with the industry’s estimate that Scaffold Law adds at least 4 percent to the cost of any public construction project.

“How can we reconcile?” he wrote.

Stebbins also pointed the authors to data available from the New York City School Construction Authority, which has in recent years buckled under escalating insurance costs for its projects.

The $28.3 million figure, he wrote, “does not include additional insurance costs, which is likely the driver of the 4% estimate. Any thoughts on getting to that number? … Perhaps we could have an MTA estimate for payouts and an SCA estimate for insurance. That may help reconcile the two figures.”

The final report uses calculations that doubled the potential claims costs.

A corrected version of the draft’s calculation ($30.2 million) is offered as a “lower bound” for average annual injury awards, but the report provides a new “upper bound” of $60.5 million obtained by employing the full MTA average (0.6 percent) for urban projects and half of that fraction (0.3 percent) for non-urban work.

In a response to the Times Union’s emailed questions last week, Hattery said that the injury award cost figure was always intended as “a very rough estimate” due to a lack of specific data.

“After reflection — after the first draft — we chose to use a range rather than a single point estimate,” he said. “This is often done so that users and readers of the report do not overvalue the ‘precision’ of a single number when it is based on a significant set of assumptions.”

The same chapter of the draft includes a two-page case study on the construction of the Lake Champlain Bridge, in which those interviewed — including the chief engineers on the New York and Vermont sides of the project, Vermont’s attorney general, and the contractor’s project engineer and risk control manager — said Scaffold Law had only marginal impact on the structure’s price tag.

In his edits, Stebbins recommended scrapping the case study: “As discussed, suggest we remove this section unless we can get someone to talk.”

“I felt that no one they interviewed knew what Scaffold Law was and how it affected the cost of construction,” Stebbins said last week. ” … We were not able to get people who understood what the costs were.”

The final report jettisoned the Champlain Bridge analysis.

Hattery said the case study was dropped because it failed to provide a contrast between insurance costs in the two states. Because New York was the principle partner in the bridge project, he said, “there was no contrast to compare in the execution of the project … nor were there any fall-from-height claims to review and describe, to our knowledge.”

In its place, a new case study was added that examined Scaffold Law’s impacts on the School Construction Authority, and described the $1.1 million settlement of an accident claim that ended up costing half of the construction value of the project where the injury occurred.

Hattery said the SCA analysis was included because of the researchers’ desire to offer “at least one specific Scaffold case in a higher-density urban environment. … The case was completed later, in part, because it required a longer time frame for access to personnel, data, etc.”

Stebbins said it would have been irresponsible for researchers to not have addressed the SCA in the analysis.

The final report was the centerpiece of February’s annual Scaffold Law reform lobby day at the Capitol. The Lawsuit Reform Alliance touted its release with a news statement: “With the study in hand,” it concluded, “Scaffold Law reform advocates look for positive traction in the legislature this year.”

Instead, the session ended with no action taken on Scaffold Law.

Josie Duffy of the Center for Popular Democracy called on the Rockefeller Institute to release all the drafts of the disputed report.

“The public deserves a full accounting of SUNY’s role in helping business groups attack worker safety laws,” she said.
