Workers Still Face Low Pay, Part-Time Employment in Today’s Economy
Workers Still Face Low Pay, Part-Time Employment in Today’s Economy
Connie Razza, Director of Strategic Research for the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), released the following statement following today’s jobs report:
“Today’s jobs numbers show we are still a long way away from a full recovery, particularly in communities of color. Labor force participation rates are still at their lowest levels in decades and the rate of involuntary part-time work is still far too high. The clearest indicator that there is still significant slack in the labor market is that wages are still not rising. With unemployment rates remaining stuck, the number of jobs added under-performing expectations and last month’s projections revised downward, the new jobs numbers show that the Federal Reserve made the right decision by not raising interest rates.
“In her comments following the Fed’s decision not to raise interest rates in September, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen responded to a question about the Fed Up campaign by speaking about workers who are still suffering from under-employment and don’t have the opportunity to work a full workweek. She is correct: the even this very disappointing headline unemployment rate understates the even greater weaknesses of the economy.
“This reality was illuminated by media reports in the past few days of unfair scheduling practices at Starbucks, which include workweeks that fall far short of 40 hours, and terrible scheduling conditions such as lack of notice and ‘clopening’ shifts. If the economy were healthy and we were at full employment, America’s largest employers wouldn’t be able to treat their employees this way. In a true full employment economy, workers would be able to demand fair schedules and better wages, to make up for years of rising inequality. Today’s jobs numbers continue to show that the economy is far from full employment and we still have a lot of work to do before everyone who wants one can find a stable, predictable, full-time job.”
Anthony Newby, Executive Director of Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change(MNNOC) released the following statement:
“A 15.9% unemployment rate for black Minnesotans means we have a two-tiered economy, here and across country. Some people have access to steady jobs with good pay, and some don’t. At workplaces across the country, like Target Field in Minneapolis, people doing the same job have different standards for scheduling and pay for doing the exact same job. Workers need the same protections everywhere and we need the economy to keep growing to win them.”
Sondra Jones, temp worker at Target Field for the past two summers at $8/hour, Minneapolis:
“Me and my co-workers at Target Field are not experiencing the economy or employment in our country getting any better. We are still struggling to get enough hours to live off and to plan our lives around our unpredictable work schedule. Once, I received a text message telling me to come into work later that day. I had planned to baby-sit for my sister, but I needed to go into work. Since my sister didn’t have childcare that day, she lost her job. We need enough notice of our schedule to plan our lives, and we need enough hours to pay our bills.”
For additional interview opportunities with Connie Razza, Anthony Newby, Sondra Jones, or low-wage workers from other cities across the country in various industries, please contact Ricardo Ramirez at, 202-905-1738 or Anita Jain at, 347-636-9761.