WASHINGTON — Today, ahead of the Humphrey-Hawkins Hearings on Capitol Hill, over a dozen activists with Fed Up spoke out for full employment and high wages. The activists, decked out in bright green shirts plastered with Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s face, shared their stories of wage stagnation and income insecurity ahead of the House Financial Services committee hearing.
Photos from the event are available here.
During the speak out, Fed Up activists said the following:
Arthur Blair
“The Federal Reserve should represent all of the American people, not just the economic elite.”
Jessica Moreno
“I am the daughter of immigrants. My mom raised my sister and me on a low wage warehouse job. Her wages did not grow in over ten years, just like many members of my community. Many more cannot secure a full time job with a living wage.”
LaDon Love
“The federal reserve needs to focus on wage growth in their review. They need to take into account that wages are not going up. People are working multiple jobs and not making ends meet. To not focus on this problem is to do a disservice to our country.”
Antonia Reynolds
“I have a 44 year old son who lives at home because he can’t afford to live in the District of Columbia on his wages. The Federal Reserve must recognize that this is a reality for many Black and Brown communities.”
Media Contact: Lia Weintraub, lweintraub@populardemocracy.org, 202-618-2482