
Facebook Founder Gives $20mm Donation On Hillary To Defeat Trump's "Fear And Hostility" Campaign

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A few weeks back we noted how Bullard had questioned the intentions of ex-Facebook founder Dustin Moskovitz in funding the Center for Popular Democracy’s Fed Up campaign (see “Why Is Facebook Funding “Anti-Fed” Activists”).  The “Fed Up” group has mounted an aggressive effort to convince the Fed to keep rates ultra low noting they favor central banking policies that “are aimed at making sure lower income households and minorities share in the recovery to the same degree as the well off.”

Ironically, Moskovitz, and his inflated FaceBook shares, are among the key beneficiaries of “ultra low rates” and not so much the poor and struggling people of this country.  A fact that was not lost on St. Louis Fed president James Bullard.  Per our previous post:

When it comes to Fed Up, “it’s Facebook money,” Bullard said. “I think it’s kind of a funny thing for them to fund because they want low interest rates in an era where we are awash in low interest rates, so it’s kind of crazy, isn’t it?”

“I think that Dustin Moskovitz should be here, maybe he can helicopter in from Sun Valley or something instead of sending all these people, if he wants low interest rates. He could just come and argue about it,” Mr. Bullard said.

Just a few short weeks later we now learn that the billionaire techie, and former college roommate of Mark Zuckerberg, is set to become one of the largest donors to the Democratic Party.  According to CNN, Moskovitz will donate a total of $20 million to various Democratic organizations making him the 3rd most generous donor of this election cycle.  But Moskovitz, at least if taken at his word, isn’t really donating to elect Hillary as much as to defeat Trump saying that he wants to teach Republicans a lesson that by “supporting this kind of candidate, they compel people to act in response.”

“This decision was not easy, particularly because we have reservations about anyone using large amounts of money to influence elections,” Moskovitz and his wife, Cari Tuna, wrote in a post on Medium. “We hope these efforts make it a little more likely that Secretary Clinton is able to pursue the agenda she’s outlined, and serve as a signal to the Republican Party that by running this kind of campaign – one built on fear and hostility?—?and supporting this kind of candidate, they compel people to act in response.”

“Cari and I have dedicated our lives to figuring out how to do the most good we can with the resources we’ve been given. Until now, those efforts have not included making endorsements or contributions in presidential elections,” Moskovitz wrote. “The Republican Party, and Donald Trump in particular, is running on a zero-sum vision, stressing a false contest between their constituency and the rest of the world.”

But perhaps Moskovitz is less concerned about Trump spreading “fear and hostility” and more concerned about his recent comments suggesting that the only thing the Fed has created with “ultra low rates” is a “strong artificial stock market.”  Per CNN,

“They’re keeping rates down because they don’t want everything else to go down,” the Republican presidential nominee told Reuters on Monday.

Trump said the “only thing that is strong is the artificial stock market.”

“We have a very false economy,” Trump told Reuters. “At some point the rates are going to have to change.”

Sounds like someone is a little worried about bubbly tech markets?

By Tyler Durden
