DETROIT, MI – We are heartbroken with news that two Good Jobs Now canvassers were shot while they were in a neighborhood in Detroit to encourage people to vote this Election Day. One of the canvassers passed away and the other is recovering from gunshot wounds. Our deepest condolences go out to the victims, their families, and all those across Detroit and across the country impacted by gun violence. Good Jobs Now, like many other CPD affiliates, is building power through voter engagement and building community through collective action. We mourn with our Good Jobs Now community today. We will honor the victims by supporting their efforts to build a thriving Detroit where communities are free from physical, economic, and state violence. We will honor the victims by engaging our communities and knocking tens of thousands of doors between now and Election Day. Most importantly, we will honor the victims by building a community of support around them. We will be sharing information on how to support the victims and their families soon. We ask everyone to join us in helping to care for those impacted by this tragedy.