
CPD Condemns White Supremacist March In Charlottesville


The Center for Popular Democracy released the following statement through Network President and Co-Executive Director Jennifer Epps-Addison:

“Though there should never be space for white supremacy in our country, today’s events in Charlottesville show that it is alive and well in America. They show what ‘Make America Great Again’ was always code for: the licensing of toxic white supremacy.

Of course, white supremacy is not just limited to Charlottesville – nor it is something new. It reflects centuries-long oppressive structures that have permeated government and society at large. It is a system in which Black and Brown bodies are continually devalued, marginalized, and criminalized, and those that perpetrate violence on people of color are protected and promoted.

Alarmingly, given Donald Trump’s claim there are ‘many sides’ deserving of blame for today’s events, and his abject failure to condemn neo-Nazis openly marching in our cities, it is equally clear that white supremacy also remains deeply rooted at the highest level of our government.

The Center for Popular Democracy stands in solidarity with Local Progress member Vice Mayor of Charlottesville Wes Bellamy who has long been on the frontlines fighting to dismantle white supremacy and its ugly manifestations, whether it be housing segregation or confederate statues.  

We grieve with the community of Charlottesville as it copes with the terror of today’s events and the loss of innocent life. As a multiracial network of community organizations located in hundreds of cities across the country, the Center for Popular Democracy condemns the hatred on display in Charlottesville — and its apologism in the White House —  and remains ready to work with partners nationwide to fight back and protect our communities.”


Media Contact:

Asya Pikovsky,