Community Group condemns attacks on black and brown communities as the Trump administration transfers money from disaster recovery to Zero Tolerance policy that puts immigrants in cages.
New York, NY – In response to breaking news that the Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million away from FEMA to ICE at the height of the family separation crisis, The Center for Popular Democracy released the following statement:
Julio López Varona, Director of Community Dignity Campaigns at the Center for Popular Democracy said:
“The Trump administration would rather lock up children in cages than assist its Puerto Rican citizens to recover from Hurricane Maria. People in Puerto Rico and displaced throughout the United States still urgently need recovery money. Over 97 percent of those seeking funeral assistance were denied. Meanwhile, Trump is beefed up ICE’s budget to lock up primarily black and brown children in cages on the United States/Mexico border. The transfer of money continues the administrations’ relentless attack on black and brown communities. It nothing less than an insult to the people of Puerto Rico.”