Concerned citizens from all over country returned to Washington DC to remind GOP senators of opposition to Affordable Care Act repeal.
WASHINGTON D.C. – Dozens of constituents from across the country showed up at GOP senators’ homes on Tuesday morning chanting “kill the repeal, don’t kill us” ahead of a critical Senate vote in the afternoon to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Please see photos and video of the protest.
Doctors, nurses, and people with grave medical conditions arrived around 7 a.m. at the homes of Republican senators John Boozman (AK) and Rob Portman (OH) to ‘wake them up’ and let them know one more time the importance of healthcare for their families. Carrying signs that read “Wake up America. Save the ACA” and “Our Lives Matter,” demonstrators demanded Sen. Portman stand up for the healthcare of his constituents.
People from Arkansas, many of them members of Arkansas Community Organization, drove from the state to Sen. Boozman’s home to tell their stories in front of his DC home and urge him to vote no on ACA repeal or on the Better Care Reconciliation Act. Healthcare activists and professionals highlighted the callousness of lawmakers who plan to strip at least 22 million people of health care.
Risking arrest for civil disobedience, demonstrators plan to visit the Capitol Hill office of Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell later Tuesday in a last-ditch attempt to keep him from holding a vote that would kill Obamacare in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.
The demonstrations occurred just hours before the GOP Senate is expected to vote to repeal and dismantle the Affordable Care Act – not even what the bill they will voting on contains.
Last week, 170 people were arrested for visiting the offices of every single GOP senator to let them know how their efforts to kill the ACA would affect their lives. Tuesday’s action was led by the Housing Works, Center for Popular Democracy, and CPD affiliates Arkansas Community Organization and Rights and Democracy Vermont.
Today’s protest marked the fifth time CPD and Housing Works have helped concerned citizens travel from their homes across the country to Washington D.C. to confront their elected officials and demand they speak out against efforts to dismantle Obamacare.