Brooklyn, New York – In response to the introduction of the Self-Determination Act of 2020, Boricuas Unidos Por La Diáspora, Center for Popular Democracy, Construyamos Otro Acuerdo, Diáspora en Resistencia, Diáspora en Acción, Hedge Clippers, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, Philly Boricuas and, Vamos en La Diáspora issued the following statement,
“Over the last 122 years, Puerto Rico’s political status has been dictated by economic and military interests that have put greed and imperialism before the well-being of the people of the islands. In that time, Congress has demonstrated little to no interest in addressing this colonial relationship and has enabled destructive power dynamics resulting in an undemocratic, extractive, and oppressive system. As this happened, decades of toothless, lopsided plebiscites have perpetuated the colonial status and have left the island in an economic depression and a humanitarian crisis that has forced more than 15% of its people to leave.
“Last week, Representatives Ocasio-Cortez and Velázquez took an important step to start a serious process of self-determination and decolonization that puts the people of Puerto Rico at the steering wheel. This legislation is not perfect, but we strongly believe that this is a step in the right direction in the ongoing struggle to end the colonial relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States.”