CPD Healthcare Justice Director Jennifer Flynn issues statement
NEW YORK – In the wake of the early Friday morning Senate vote defeating repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), director of healthcare justice at Center for Popular Democracy, Jennifer Flynn, released the following statement:
“After months of Republican grandstanding and cloak-and-dagger meetings by Republican leaders, we have dealt a final blow to repeal of the Affordable Care Act. We matched Republican zeal to strip millions of people of healthcare with our energy and courage, protesting all spring and summer in townhalls, on the streets, and on Capitol Hill.
“Hundreds of us put our bodies on the line and got arrested to stop a bill that would lead to thousands of preventable deaths. This victory belongs to CPD–a member of Health Care for America Now– and CPD affiliates Texas Organizing Project, Organize Florida, Take Action Minnesota, Delaware Alliance for Community Action, Action NC, Arkansas Community Organization, Rights and Democracy Vermont, and LUCHA from Arizona. These organizations helped hundreds of concerned Americans and people with chronic illnesses from across the country to travel from their states to the offices and homes of their elected officials to plea for healthcare for all.”
“We’ve sent a strong message to Trump and his Republican toadies in Congress that when we fight, we win. Many Congress members who voted for ACA repeal are up for election in 2018, and we will work just as hard to remind voters of their attempts to push through a bill that would kill the healthcare system we have come to rely upon to stay alive.”
The Center for Popular Democracy promotes equity, opportunity, and a dynamic democracy in partnership with innovative base-building organizations, organizing networks and alliances, and progressive unions across the country. CPD builds the strength and capacity of democratic organizations to envision and advance a pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial justice agenda