Network celebrates effort to bring sustainability, good jobs to public housing
WASHINGTON — Today, Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act, the first legislation related to the Green New Deal, in their respective chambers. The move is significant in bringing public housing to the center of the conversation about sustainability, quality jobs and community development.
The Center for Popular Democracy endorses the legislation as a meaningful step toward a future of economic, climate and housing justice. Dianne Enriquez, co-director of community dignity campaigns at the Center for Popular Democracy, released the following reaction to the legislation.
“Our homes are the foundations for our lives. With the Public Housing Green New Deal, they will become the foundation for our country’s future economic security and environmental sustainability. This landmark legislation will at once offer job training for public housing residents, create family-sustaining jobs, and revitalize public housing units with green technology. Not only does it provide a pathway toward financial independence for public housing residents, but it also generates opportunities for meaningful participation in the oversight of their housing community. The Public Housing Green New Deal sets our country on a path of compassionate governance and will help to build a future for our country that includes us all.”
Organizations within the Center for Popular Democracy network also endorsed the bill, including: Action NC, Action Now!, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, Arkansas Community Organization, CASA, Detroit Action, Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization, Make the Road Nevada, Make the Road New York, New Florida Majority, New York Communities for Change, One Pennsylvania, Rights and Democracy Vermont, Rights and Democracy New Hampshire, River Valley Organizing, UnHarm Ohio and West Virginia Healthy Kids and Families Coalition.
Pat McCoy, executive director of Action NC, said: “For far too long public housing residents have been ignored when decisions are made that impact their communities. By requiring input from the community and local residents as well as any grant proposal requiring the approval of the resident council ensures that resident voices are heard and matter. Furthermore, the Family Self-Sufficiency Program allows for greater support for residents working towards financial independence. Action NC’s mission is to confront and reduce the root causes of poverty and economic inequality. This bill hits at the heart of these issues for residents of public housing and is why we support the Green New Deal for Public Housing.”
Roslyn M. Ogburn, housing organizer at Detroit Action, said: “Detroit Action endorses the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act, which promotes a way to empower low and very low-income housing residents with the essential benefits needed to ensure jobs, economic growth, better quality of life, energy-efficient options and access to stable and long term housing.”
Andrea Mercado, executive director of The New Florida Majority, said: “The Green New Deal is a big step in the right direction to address equity as it relates to climate change. We support this legislation and will continue to fight for a just transition that is rooted in dignified work and clean energy for black and brown communities.”
Jonathan Westin, executive director of New York Communities for Change, said: “We are proud to stand with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Sanders to introduce a Green New Deal for Public Housing. For decades the federal government has neglected public housing residents, cut services and forced funding shortages from city to city. Families are in desperate need of relief and protection from devastating climate disasters. We need to ensure quality public housing for all families across the country.”
Media Contact: Lia Weintraub, lweintraub@populardemocracy.org, 202-618-2482