“The For the People Act helps our democracy work for all of us”
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the House of Representatives passed the first legislation of the 116th Congress, the For the People Act, which presents critical democracy reforms to ensure that all eligible people, regardless of where they live or what they look like, can have their voices heard in government.
“Now is the time for big bold action to create the people-centered democracy that works for all of us, not just corporations and wealthy donors,” said Emma Greenman, Director of Voting Rights and Democracy at the Center for Popular Democracy. “Across the country, communities are fighting to increase access to the ballot, expand the electorate, and strengthen the voices of people in the electoral process. The people are demanding proactive democracy reform and HR1 delivers by strengthening the right to vote, tackling the issue of money in politics and adopting much-needed ethics reform. By removing barriers and strengthen the participation of voters and communities, we can advance an agenda that works for us all. We can raise the minimum wage, pass Medicare for All, invest in quality education, and put people back at the center of our politics. Our democracy is better when we are all involved. I thank Leader Pelosi and Representative Sarbanes for their leadership in the House and urge the Senate to take a vote on this critical bill.”
“Our Democracy cannot thrive without the full inclusion of all of the people it governs. That’s why over the course of this country’s history, people of color, women, young people, and immigrants have fought to expand and protect our right to participate and be represented in our democracy,” said Jennifer Epps-Addison, Network President and Co-Executive Director of the Center for Popular Democracy. “We have won notable victories, but also faced setbacks. In the years since the Supreme Court struck down critical protections in the Voting Rights Act, voters of color have faced intimidation, voter suppression and an outright theft of our electoral power. HR1, the For the People Act, is a step forward in ensuring that all of us, no matter who we vote for, what we look like, or what we believe, can have our voices heard in our democracy. It improves access to the ballot, strengthens election security, ends partisan gerrymandering, and bolsters oversight and accountability of elected officials. Democracy is best when all of us can participate in it.”
Lia Weintraub, lweintraub@populardemocracy.org, 202-618-2482
Inarú Meléndez, imelendez@populardemocracy.org, 413-331-9530