NEW YORK – The Center for Popular Democracy Action launched Resistancevoter.org, an online and offline operation aimed at converting the ferocious grassroots resistance to the Trump administration into electoral victories that will help build progressive political power.
Resistancevoter.org creates a unified national brand for the millions of people who have protested in the streets, attended town halls, and crowded the halls of Congress to oppose Donald Trump, the Republican Congress, and their craven attempts to pass laws that threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of families.
“Resistancevoter.org will be a critical tool to ensure that the energy we’ve seen this year of people pouring out into the streets, calling their Congress members and attending townhalls can turn into results at the polls,” said Adam Gold, Director of Independent Politics at the Center for Popular Democracy Action. “By launching this operation, we will help members of the Resistance nationwide translate their phenomenal grassroots energy into political power.”
The website will allow people to check if they are registered to vote, and register if they are not, get involved in local Get Out the Vote efforts, and learn which candidates support the Resistance. It will also provide timely reminders before each election to ensure that voters get to the polls before each and every election cycle
The operation is launching this fall to focus on the 2017 elections in New Jersey and Virginia, which both are holding elections for their governorships and state legislatures, as well as New York, where there are key municipal races.
“We have taken to the streets, rushed to the airports, and flocked to town halls to block Trump’s agenda of hate,” said Javier H. Valdés, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road Action. “Now we must bring the same energy to the polls and turn this unprecedented wave of protest into a robust political infrastructure. In states like New Jersey and New York, where we have critical elections this year, Resistance Voter will help us begin that vital work of engaging fellow members of the Resistance in the political process. By 2018, we will swell the ranks not just of frequent protesters, but of frequent voters ready to hold elected officials accountable for their complicity across the country.”
While Resistancevoter.org will be focused on these key states this fall, it will expand to encompass all 50 states for the crucial 2018 elections.
Resistancevoter.org will build a ladder of engagement for activists to climb, beginning with a simple pledge to be a resistance voter and expanding to participate in sophisticated and labor-intensive voter contact work with local CPD Action partner organizations around the country.