
YOUTH LEADERSHIP: Youth Lead A School-to-Prison Pipeline Panel at Local Progress Convening

Young people from Latinos Unidos Siempre (LUS), Youth Power Collective/OnePA, Make the Road Nevada (MRNV), and Leaders Igniting Transformation (LIT) led a panel during the Local Progress national convening about the school-to-prison-and-deportation pipelines. During the Local Progress panel, school board members from across the country asked questions regarding students’ direct experiences and the policies that contributed to building the school-to-prison pipeline. 

The panel members also had the opportunity to share the work that they are leading with their organizations to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline, which was deeply inspiring to board members. Finally, the panel members offered recommendations for the ways they thought school board members could help change the school-to-prison pipeline in their own schools and communities. 

Devene Jimenez, a panel member from Make the Road Nevada, said “the highlight moment, for me, was the questions the school officials had after the panel. You could tell that they were paying attention and had relevant questions after and actually valued what we had to say.” The panel provided youth members with an opportunity to share their expertise and express their opinions.