
Winning Change With Real Impact

I used to wonder how we could keep track of the impact we have on our democracy. I mean, whenever the powerful attacked the dignity and lives of our communities, we fought back with all our heart and soul. But how could we tell if we were making a difference?

Now I know the answer. BY WINNING CHANGE – widespread change with a real impact on people’s lives, on the respect they receive, on their health, education, and futures. That’s what you help our network of partners and allies to achieve, and why we need your continued generosity.

As 2018 closes, I can look back over recent years with pride. Since 2014, we’ve been winning tangible change that has improved the lives of nearly 30 million people. For example, the CPD Network has

  • Won 40 victories nationwide to raise wages and mandate paid sick time and a fair workweek for over 20 million people

  • Campaigned to defend the voting and democratic rights of 8 million people

  • Mobilized to protect immigrants by strengthening city sanctuary policies, keeping families together, defending Dreamers, and securing counsel and due process in 19 cities and counties, and in 11 states across the country.

But you know as well as I that the attacks on our values haven’t stopped.  So we must bring our passion to the fight, show our outrage at injustice, and work to realize our dreams of a true popular democracy. We must continue building the power of the people – from training a new generation of leaders to building infrastructure for grassroots organizing – so we can empower the New American Majority.

But we can’t do it alone. We need you. Please be generous – give now to the CPD Network (click here to donate).

To win a vibrant democracy, to ensure everyone, not just billionaires, have the freedom to thrive, we must come together.  And together we’ll win change to ensure a good education, safe, affordable housing, a solid job, and a healthy planet – for all.

Together we are mighty.  So I’m asking you, please show your support.  Help us end the year right, so we can “hit the ground running” in 2019.  With your help, we can win the change our nation truly needs.

In solidarity,
Jennifer Epps-Addison
Network President & Co-Executive Director, CPD